✦ 𝗷𝘂𝗻 𝟮𝟭: hinata s.

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June 21 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: shōyō hinata,
MB of karasuno !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: time skip spoilers
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: this isn't edited (yet),
so beware my guys



"(f/n), it's yours!"


you threw your body onto the sandy ground, getting the volleyball up last minute before it could have touched the sand. after your partner had just barely missed to block the ball, that was the only thing you could do.

the ball didn't fly back the way you wanted it to, but it at least got into the direction it had to go to.

luckily for you, your partner, hinata, was immediately there to cover your rescue receive. since he didn't expect to get the volleyball from such a position, he was unable to perform a spike - at this point, he simply played it over to the other side of the court.

"sorry, it's a bit sloppy," you apologised, chuckling in shame and partly to laugh your lack of skill off. admittedly, you might have gotten the volleyball back better if you had tried to play it back differently.

hinata shook your sentence off with a wave of his hand. "don't worry about it! let's focus on getting the next point."

your opponents had meanwhile taken control over the volleyball, where it was currently on its journey towards the setter. the person who had received the ball beforehand approached the net opposite of you, occasionally throwing glances at their partner.

since you were closest to them, you ran up to the net to block your opponent's spike.

simultaneously to when they were about to swipe down the volleyball, your arms formed a block in front of them. hinata was ready to receive any cross spike; you, on the other hand, were closing off the opportunity for a straight.

your opponent was most likely going to perform a cross, therefore.

the thought that a straight would be too dangerous appeared to cross the spiker's mind too, seeing as he wiped his right arm down in a cross motion. just as you predicted he would.

hinata only had to move forward slightly and readjust his position to be able to receive the volleyball. whilst he bumped it back up, you had already landed on your feet, waiting a split second to start the next move.

since hinata had pursued the receive, you'd be pulling off the set now. you observed hinata from the corner of your eye, seeing how he approached the middle of the net - just as he had signalled you beforehand. the ball was quick to reach you, with you then playing it on to hinata.

your opponents couldn't react, given by how fast everything had occurred in such a short time. and even if they did react, it was highly possible that they wouldn't have been fast enough to stop hinata.

the latter was abnormally fast in the air, not slipping on the sand the slightest bit; with that, your set was on the ground of your opponent's side of the court before it registered in your mind. the people who had kept watching your match also hadn't managed to keep up with the sheer surreal speed of the quick.

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