✦ 𝗳𝗲𝗯 𝟭𝟱: kinoshita h.

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February 15 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: hisashi kinoshita,
WS of karasuno !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: -



You knew your boyfriend wasn't one of the people who liked to go out much, as he was an incredibly shy individual. However, that never stopped you from adoring the little stay-in dates he always planned for the two of you.

Kinoshita in general was a very thoughtful person and you surely knew he put a lot of thought into every date he invited you to. You weren't one to complain; he always made things interesting, even if you didn't always go out for a date.

That leads us to the situation you were in now - standing in the kitchen of the said boy's house. Kinoshita himself was just returning from the storage room he had picked up something from.

This time, Kinoshita came up with baking together and you had to admit, it was the cutest thing to do together.

Even the way he asked you about it had happened extremely adorable, you had to hold back a squeal. Kinoshita had been really shy, fumbling with his fingers while proclaiming his idea, yet he simply got a hug back as a reply.

Kinoshita placed the backing tray he found in the storage room on the counter, turning to you. "I've found a second one in the storage room."

"Then you were right with saying it was there after all," You replied back, looking at Kinoshita with a smile. He only scratched his head in embarrassment, stating that he was only assuming things before.

You giggled at that, continuing to stir the dough you and Kinoshita had already made before. The last few ingredients were already mixed into the mass; you had been doing this after Kinoshita left, so right now, the dough should have the perfect consistence.

Since it were muffins you and Kinoshita had decided on making, Kinoshita swiftly placed all muffin pans on the baking trays.

"Are you ready?" You made sure everything was good before you'd begin to fill the forms. Kinoshita nodded at your question, saying some sort of 'mhm' sound.

You took this as an indication to come over to him, so you did exactly that. The bowl with the dough was heavier than expected after you lifted it up, that's why you were very cautious when transporting it over to Kinoshita.

He seemingly noticed that and came over to you, grabbing the bowl as well (while also touching your hands, mind you) and helping you to get it over to the trays.

You couldn't help but blush at the sudden contact with Kinoshita's hands, yet you weren't the only person - Kinoshita had blushed a bit as well.

It wasn't like this was necessary, still it was a delightful moment.

Slowly, carefully, you both put down the bowl on the table. Then, you guys unconciously made eye-contact and stared at each other for a good amount of time, unaware of what situation you were in.

It turned out to be very awkward when you came back to your senses and realized you had been admiring the other - which made your blush deepen.

There were a few moments of awkward silence, before you took it upon yourself to speak up, interrupting it.

"We should... fill the forms, don't you think?"

Kinoshita was quick to reply to your question, it seemed as if he wanted to get rid of the awkwardness. "Yeah, you're right!!"

However, after the exchange of those words, it was much more comfortable for the two of you and you didn't have any problems communicating or filling up the muffin pans.

You divided the tasks, with one baking tray for you to fill up and the other one for Kinoshita. It was clearly easier to work like that and in addition, you were finished faster than if just one of you would do that.

On top, you noted that it was quite pleasant to talk during this, as one person was occupied like the other - words seemed to flow out way easier.

You indeed kept talking for a good time like that, occasionally laughing or teasing each other; it was simply enjoyable, leastway for the time being.

Kinoshita now put the baking trays in the oven (which was already preheated), making sure everything was at its place before closing the oven.

You watched his every step from the stool you were sitting on. From there, you had a perfect view on everything in the kitchen - it was also while sitting here, you noticed how handsome Kinoshita looked with an apron on.

You wondered how you haven't noticed that before, because you even put them on next to each other. That didn't matter though, as he was pretty adorable like that - even while cleaning up the kitchen responsibly.

The kitchen had gotten a bit messy during your baking process of course, mainly because you couldn't stop yourself from starting a flour fight with your boyfriend.

Not only the kitchen got flour distributed all over, because so did you and Kinoshita. Afterwards, you had only cleaned up a bit, thus you were pretty sure you still had flour in your hair. You even believed to see some flour in Kinoshita's hair, too.

Speaking of Kinoshita, he still hadn't notice you watching him, probably because he was too occupied with what he was doing.

He was halfway through cleaning the kitchen, humming a quiet melody you were able to hear, even if it was really quiet.

Immediately upon seeing Kinoshita doing this cleaning, you realized what an amazing boyfriend he truly is - Kinoshita was responsible, sweet and kind - undoubtedly the perfect boyfriend, if you were picturing your own imaginations.

You hadn't expected this thought would accidentally slip out though. "You know you're such a great boyfriend, right Hisashi?"

Kinoshita turned to you in suprise, a red colour was already gracing his beautiful face. You grinned at him with the same flushed cheeks, you had realized what you spout out, yet you didn't regret it in the slightest.

You knew Kinoshita deserved all the love he could get, especially from you.

"I- um..." Kinoshita hesitantly started, fumbling with his fingers again; something he did whenever he was sort of nervous. "Thank you. It's great to date you, too."

You smiled. Kinoshita was so adorable! He always got shy when complimenting someone, but it was more often around you - Kinoshita wanted to give you as much love as you gave him.

Nevertheless, Kinoshita returned to his usual self and lifted you up from your seat, slowly spinning you around. He set you down, smiling his shining smile, which always managed to get you to be the happiest person in the world.

"Let's clean up, 'kay? We can cuddle afterwards, if you want."

"I'd like to do that, Hisashi," You consented and pressed a kiss onto Kinoshita's cheek; hence, the both of you were walking to the bathroom to get yourselves tidied up.

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