✦ 𝗮𝗽𝗿 𝟬𝟱: haiba a.

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April 05 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: alisa haiba,
college student !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: -



Alisa has always thought of you being the best person she could've ever met in her entire life - you supported her, you trusted her, you helped her, you did literally anything with her. She appreciated this so much, the way you always came around and cheered her up; she never clearly had been met with someone like that, but she was incredibly glad that the two of you met in high school.

Now that you two were adults, things hadn't severly changed; you still offered Alisa all the help you could give her and always welcomed her with open arms, no matter when it was. Although, you two might've grown a bit more distant compared to your high school times, seeing as you two had work and jobs to fulfill.

That's why it's been quite some time since Alisa has seen you in person and incredibly missed you already, life wasn't the same without you after all. You might've been talking to each other over your electronic devices every day, which overall made Alisa contented and happy every time anew - yet, meeting in person was simply different.

Alisa, specifically for that moment, prepared to take you somewhere one evening, to show you just how great you were and how grateful she was for knowing and befriending you. Certainly, all of the people knowing you were just as happy to know you, Alisa was convinced about that because of your constant open personality.

She walked up to the apartment building you currently lived in, trying to swallow down the knot that has been forming inside her throat. Why was she nervous? This was just like all the other normal times she came over to your apartment, which was located in a pretty quiet region of Tokyo.

Perhaps that was the case because she never came so late to visit you, at least Alisa didn't remember such an occasion; she was sure you wouldn't send her away, yet there was that small uncertainty forming inside her heart. Maybe you'd be annoyed she came this late in the evening?

Albeit Alisa knew it wasn't all that preferable to plan events in the late evening, she also realized that what she had thought of simply did happen in the evening. Hopefully you wouldn't disagree with that surprise, Alisa would be devastated if that would be happening.

The sun was already setting when Alisa came to a stop in front of the building, which threw an quite aesthetic light onto the buttons and mailbox lids attached next to the entrance door.

She breathed into her hands to warm them up, as it had gotten slightly colder towards the evening. Alisa pressed the button that said '(l/n)', therefore she rang the bell to your apartment.

Meanwhile, you were quite confused who would be visiting you at this time of the day, approaching your front door slightly worried. You let, whoever the visitor was, inside, and opened your front door to await their arrival to your apartment.

Since you lived on the second floor, it wasn't a very long way that Alisa had to go up. Alisa still was nervous as to how you'd react, but she figured if you really didn't want to come with her, she'd simply accept your decision.

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