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––––––––––  hello dear readers!

so, it's been a few months since I published something or even informed all of you about anything concerning this book.. and I'm truly sorry about it. I know, or at least I hope you've been waiting for an update and would be happy and interested to see this series continue.

And so, I've come to give an update at the beginning of 2023 (this was supposed to be published in January already, but I haven't managed to do so unfortunately).

I know that I can wholly explain to you why I haven't been updating over the past months, but that would be a longer story and I'm not going to bother you all with it.

to sum it up shortly, I have suffered through a normal writer's block, which caused me to not be able to write, and I've been caught up and quite busy with life and my studies.

again, I honestly apologize for not being as active as I thought I would be. I hope you can understand my point of view, at least a little bit.

but since I don't just want to abandon this book, I've decided to get back into this oneshot series and with that, back into writing and haikyuu. I think, deep down I missed it all and I'm here to give you all some more of my content.

surprisingly, quite a bunch of you seem to be present here at the moment!

and hence, I've decided on the following points that I want to inform you about regarding this book.

[1] I'll pick up the pieces of everything I still have on with this book, and basically continue the oneshot series where I've left them off last year. That will mean I'll leave the current chapters which are on, and focus on getting all the other oneshots finished in the next period of time until they're needed.

I'll keep on publishing them on their respective dates, so you'll have surprising updates to read any day :)

[2] Up till now, I have not decided on any sort of editing or rewriting, and I think I'll leave everything the way it is until the book is officially finished. then I can focus on making it better. but, promise, my writing got and still gets better the more I actually write!

I might think about fixing minor things, though.

I'm not sure yet if this chapter will keep on being published whilst I get back into updating, but it will certainlt stay here for a while.

at last, I want to thank you all so so much for the 800 reads, I appreciate each and every one of them. It honestly means a lot <3

take care all of you, i'll see you again soon!

~ eiriuu

  𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗬 𝗕𝗜𝗥𝗧𝗛𝗗𝗔𝗬  ┆ haikyuu oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now