✸ 𝗺𝗮𝗿 𝟭𝟯: yamamoto a.

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March 13 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: akane yamamoto,
nekoma middle schooler !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: akane is aged up
in this one, so you two
are in high school

birthday oneshot !



Akane could sense that this year's March 13, her birthday, would be the best day she had experienced in her entire life - what might've been nothing more but a simple feeling, was more like an intuition to Akane. She was certain she would like this day very much; this alone made her extremely cheerful and she was utterly excited about the upcoming day, and what it might bring.

Her intuition was proven right to herself, as she was currently the happiest person on earth whilst watching some movies with her most favourite person, you. She was incredibly glad it worked out for you to stay over at her place and celebrate her birthday together.

You were just as happy to spend time with Akane, and it was the better because it was Akane's birthday you were celebrating; you figured it must be wonderful to Akane. Everyone at least wanted their birthday to be a bit special compared to the other days, that's for sure.

The movie that was on at the moment was filled with a lot of comedy, resulting in you and Akane laughing a lot about almost everything - you both had an excessive amount of humour and couldn't stop laughing at the scenes.

"OH MY GOD ROASTED-" You nearly choked on your laughter and tried to stop because your stomach hurt so much from your uncontrollable laughter. Keyword, tried.

That was understandable, you and Akane had been laughing for five minutes straight after all, non-stop too by the way. Akane was the only person you could laugh so much with without being judged, it was the same for Akane - that's one of the main reasons why you bonded so well.

The movie only kept up with the amusing scenes, you didn't even get the chance to pause and calm down a bit. You rolled onto your back and stared at the ceiling whilst still snorting at the hilarious moments in the movie.

Akane, who lay next to you, tried to hold in her laughter but failed miserably upon seeing you choke on, assumingly, your saliva. She stared at you while laughing heartily, wiping the tears away that were flowing down her cheeks; oh my god, that must've been screamingly funny.

About five minutes, which were filled with you almost suffocating, passed - you two finally calmed down and right now only panted because you had been unable to catch enough air properly.

"Oh my god-" You could hear that Akane was out of air as well. "I haven't laughed like that in a while." She rubbed her cheeks which presumably now hurt because her mouth was curled upwards quite wide when laughing.

"Me too!"

Akane grinned at you; it was simply amazing how you two got along, how uniquely, that's what she always notices when spending time with you. Though, all of a sudden, a phone's ringtone chimed in and snapped both of you out of your thoughts.

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