✸ 𝗺𝗮𝗿 𝟬𝟯: hirugami s.

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March 03 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: sachirō hirugami,
MB of kamomedai !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: -



The dismissal bell, like every day anew, rung through the halls of Kamomedai High School. Students were quick to rush out of their classrooms and off to various directions, wherever the way lead them.

Constrastingly, you hadn't left the classroom yet; you took your time gathering all your notebooks and pens, then packing everything into your bag. You didn't have to hurry anywhere after all, so why would you do everything quick? Not to mention that you somehow had to push through the huge crowd of students who scurried about anywhere after dismissal.

Hence, that's why you stayed in your classroom much longer than other students and therefore strolled to the entrance much later as well.

It had a positive aspect though; the hallway wasn't crowded at all, so you could walk all serenely, without being pushed, which was an immense difference to the usual milieu. You were much more calmed down, together with the surroundings - which completely opposed the bustle you were accustomed with.

The exit slowly came into view, where you could see some students of Kamomedai standing around. Whilst humming a quiet melody, you skipped past those few students and straight towards the exit. In all honesty, you were already looking forward to a chill afternoon - this was probably the reason why the school day flew by so fast, come to think of it.

You pushed the door open gracefully and stepped outside, inhaling some of the fresh oxygen around you. Although, you soon halted in your tracks when something humid hit your skin.

The next few seconds, you blinked in confusion, before realizing you had walked right into rain - giving its droplets the chance to soak your clothing. Some sort of noise left your mouth and you nearly raced back under the canopy in front of the entrance.

Whilst sighing, you smoothed down your uniform and intended to brush of the non-existent dirt. Of course it had to be raining now. You slipped your bag from your shoulders and kneeled down, rummaging through all your stuff to find the object you looked for; an umbrella.

After checking your bag more than three times though, you became aware of the fact that you had forgotten your umbrella. Tough luck seemed to be hitting you again, at which you only huffed frustratedly.

It was clear you wouldn't be able to walk home without one, and you really did not want to become soaking wet. This left you standing at the same spot, your gaze focused on the small puddles that had started to appear.

"Have you forgotten your umbrella again?" A voice suddenly chimed in, breaking your gaze off of the puddles and catching all your attention at once. When you turned to see who the voice belonged to, you looked straight into the eyes of a curly brunet who wore Kamomedai's uniform - to be more precise, Sachirō Hirugami.

You smiled sheepishly at him, scratching the back of your head. "Yeah, kinda." From the corner of your eyes, you were able to identify an umbrella in his hands. You recognized this umbrella; it was the one Hirugami had always brought with him.

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