✸ 𝗷𝗮𝗻 𝟭𝟰: teshiro t.

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January 14 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: tamahiko teshiro,
setter of nekoma !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: -



If a person would stand at the sideways right now, looking at you, Teshiro, Haiba, Shibayama and Inuoka, they would most likely be weirded out by the commotion specially Haiba and Inuoka were making.

From your perspective though, it was all perfect. You, and the former named boys, were enthusiastically walking down the sidewalk, guided by the sunset.

It was truly a moment to cherish in life forever, as nothing seemed to be bothering all of you at the moment. The atmosphere was great, and everything else was just right too. You enjoyed it, no doubt.

And the volleyball players enjoyed it just as much.

"Come on guys, hurry up!" Inuoka exclaimed cheerfully, waving from where he stood with Haiba - a good twenty meters away from Teshiro, you and Shibayama.

Shibayama only chuckled in response, "Sō, calm down- we've got all the time in the world."

You saw Teshiro slightly smiling at his classmates, his calm demeanor never fading one bit though. Teshiro liked their often childish-like behaviour, because they made every memory work differently.

Inuoka and Haiba still insisted on picking up the pace, so that's what you did, without any further ado. You all were heading to a nearby restaurant, with the intention of letting the day end wonderfully.

The reason why you were going there actually happened earlier that day. It was something small, but something at least the volleyball players would value for the very next time period.

Earlier today, the Nekoma volleyball club had another official match against one of the schools in Tokyo Prefecture as the preliminaries took place once again. It was one of the first matches and therefore nothing all to special, however the players thought about it way differently than anyone else.

That's also why the win of their club today had such a positive impact on the Nekoma team. You yourself witnessed the win and how it made everyone feel so happy, albeit it was just a small one.

After that win, the club parted into many small groups to pursue whatever they had to do, so everyone ended up in a smaller group of the volleyball club.

Since Teshiro, Haiba, Inuoka and Shibayama were the only ones in the club who were in their grade, they came up with letting the evening go by at a restaurant. You, being the great significant other you are, joined your boyfriend and his friends on their trip to the restaurant.

The sunset let the arriving scenery in front of you be even more magnificent than it is by normal day lighting and you were sure everyone at least silently admired it. You meanwhile noticed how well this light highlighted Teshiro's generally beautiful features.

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