✸ 𝗺𝗮𝗿 𝟮𝟱: kunimi a.

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March 25 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: akira kunimi,
WS of aoba johsai !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: -



"Can we just stay in bed?"

The lazy voice of your boyfriend chimed in the silent room upon your apparent question of getting up. He wrapped his arms around you tighter, making sure you couldn't 'escape' easily while at the same time enjoying the warmth you radiated.

You simply sighed at your boyfriend's persistence, nonetheless couldn't do more but to stay in his warm embrace. It wasn't like you didn't like cuddling with him, but you both really had to get up at some point of this day (to make breakfast for example).

Yet, your boyfriend was more fond of lazing around than doing anything productive. Although you knew that, his reactions to getting up, for example, were always unexpected in the way he phrased it.

You had no idea how Kunimi did that, but he sounded incredibly innocent while voicing his preferences out that you were unable to argue back. You were simply too soft for Kunimi; and he knew that very well.

Also knowing that you hardly even can resist his cuddles, Kunimi snuggled up to you more and buried his face in your neck, inhaling your comforting scent. You blushed a deep scarlet, which was almost comparable to that one scarlet shirt of yours, whilst at the same time being glad Kunimi didn't see your face.

You already handled enough embarrassment, alright; and you weren't going to suffer through Kunimi's teasing either, that's for sure.

Your face was soon to cool down, though Kunimi wasn't stopping the affectionate cuddles. He, truthfully, loved it when he could wrap you up with his arms and legs, it was so comfortable and enjoyable to him. Kunimi also grew quite attached to when you hugged him back in your cuddles, spending more warmth for you and him.

"Come on Akira, we really need to get up," You tried convincing him once again. At this point, you were pretty sure you weren't the only one who wants to eat something, so you thought Kunimi would at least be willing to make breakfast.

"No." Kunimi's reply was as blant and stubborn as before, he surely stayed loyal to his opinion on this. That was probably something you should've known and expected, but you could call it worth a try.

You shifted a bit to find a convenient position so you could lie on the bed for a longer time, also bringing up the blanket to cover yourself a bit more. It was very warm under the blanket and with Kunimi hugging you even warmer than it probably would be otherwise.

When soft snores errupted next to you, you realized Kunimi must've fallen asleep. It had always been admirable to you how fast he'd fall asleep while you sometimes stayed up for hours just because you couldn't sleep easily. Sometimes you wished that it would be the same way for you as it was the case for Kunimi.

Settling that you'd at least get up and wash your face in the nearby bathroom, you slowly sat up. Carefully, you removed Kunimi's arms from your waist, placing them down on the bed delicately.

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