✸ 𝗺𝗮𝘆 𝟯𝟬: misaki h.

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May 30 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: hana misaki,
manager of johzenji !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: -



the blur of trees rushing past the window of the train compartment you were situated in flooded your mind, you peacefully losing your gaze and focus amidst the pieces of green and brown.

generally, the outside world radiated a calming aura, which fit the surroundings you were in perfectly. apart from a brunette seated across from you, nothing agitating took place in the past hours, and in this moment.

on the inside, you were pretty exhilarated in contrast. that's why this serenity was what you needed to not explode into all kinds of joyful emotions.

since your summer holidays had started about a week ago, you had settled to visit your grandparents, who lived in a suburb of sendai city. that meant a longer travel by train. yet you hadn't seen your grandparents for quite some months, and the long train ride was the last thing you cared about.

the travel was worth it for sure.

with one earbud inserted in your ear, you quietly vibed with the music on your playlist and couldn't wait to finally arrive at the train station you were supposed to get out at. you had looked forward to this for so long already.

whilst being in your own little world, a loud, alerting sound, which sounded like some sort of beep, snapped you out of reverie. your head shot up to look for whatever this sound was about, which luckily wasn't related to your compartment as far as you could see.

in that moment, you noted that the girl across from you had started to gaze around as well.

when your eyes met, she raised an eyebrow at you as if asking, 'do you know what's up?'

in response, you shook your head, still waiting for someone or something to reveal what all this was about.

hopefully, it was nothing too bad. that was the last thing you needed. after those twenty seconds of no indications to what seemed to be the problem, a voice boomed from the speakers. it echoed at a loud pitch through the whole train.

"dear passengers," it started off formally, cutting your inner thoughts off. you realised that the beep must be resounding before such announcements were made.

you relaxed upon that. although, you still didn't know what the announcement was about, and that worried you.

"we seem to have some sort of problem in the technical department of the train. that's why the train will slowly come to a stop now. we will try to find and fix this problem as soon as possible so that we can continue getting to our destinations. until that is done, we would suggest you stay in your compartments. thank you for understanding."

"understanding, huh," you muttered under your breath, leaning your chin onto your palm and sighing deeply.

the announcement surely appeared out of nowhere. you were still surprised about the news that they had delivered - the news which simultaneously let your mood switch significantly. your previous excitement faded away.

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