✦ 𝗮𝗽𝗿 𝟭𝟰: onaga w.

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April 14 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: wataru onaga,
MB of fukurōdani !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: short, probably



"Here you go, Onaga-kun!"

You handed the water bottle you were holding mere minutes ago to the tall middle blocker, who thanked you quietly when receiving it. Although that wasn't much of an interaction of any kind, his small thank you made your heart skip a beat.

Humming happily, you continued on distributing the water bottles to the various team members of Fukurōdani, though nobody had the same effect on you as Onaga had and always will have. There was nothing really that could've made you act this way through Onaga's simple thanks, yet it did every single day - and it did make you contented, you weren't going to lie about that.

That those small interactions took place this exact way for two years was unimaginable, yet that's the obvious way you bonded with Onaga over the high school years. In all honesty, this was probably also how you developed a crush on Onaga, finding his antics adorable when nobody else could see anything special in them.

You undoubtedly had a weak spot for Onaga, though he would never notice that - from your perspective at least. Judging by his exterior, you hadn't really been able to figure anything out so you practically were wandering in the dark when it came to Onaga's feelings and such.

The only person who'd truly been able to discover all of the hints from you and from Onaga was Akaashi. While it was plain obvious to him, Akaashi noted that both of you either avoided those hints on purpose or were just not noticing what was actually going on. The former aspect sounded way more reasonable to Akaashi though, and that's why he always went with that explanation.

Presently, you were walking towards the aforementioned male, who was by the way also the captain of the Fukurōdani volleyball team. Since you'd been distributing the water bottles to everybody, you of course would sooner or later skip over to the captain as well.

"Akaashi-kun!" You drew Akaashi's attention to yourself and swiftly gave him the bottle after he was entirely facing you. With a small thanks to your side, Akaashi took the bottle to refresh himself.

You remained next to Akaashi, letting your gaze shift from one player to another, though your eyes always found their way back to Onaga. Akaashi noticed the way you constantly kept staring at Onaga, then reverted your stare only to go back to looking at Onaga.

Akaashi sighed, maybe in both frustration and exasperation. Either you two were oblivious to each other's feelings or you hid this knowledge damn well. Akaashi was waiting for you two to finally confess to each other, but that wouldn't happen up to now as it seemed.

"Listen (l/n)," Akaashi spoke up, now moving his gaze to look at Onaga interacting with a first year as well. You tilted your head slightly to look at Akaashi, curious about what he would say next.

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