✦ 𝗳𝗲𝗯 𝟭𝟵: ikejiri h.

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February 19 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: hayato ikejiri,
WS of tokonami !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: -



You've never known Hayato was able to play the flute, although you have known him for such a long time. That discovery was indeed surprising to you, you simply hadn't... expected that at all. Yet, you at the same time were glad you had found out about that secret, fantastic trait of your boyfriend.

Following dismissal time at school, you headed over to the Ikejiri's household. Hayato had missed a few of the lessons at school because of an event concerning his club, where he played volleyball. Therefore, you collected notes for him and now adjudicated you would bring it over to him.

The walk didn't take you all to long though as Hayato didn't live very far away from the school, thus you already arrived in front of his house.

Your hand lifted up and knocked on the door mildly, waiting for someone to answer the door. After a short time of waiting, the door opened fully and revealed a women.

She had the same hair colour as Hayato and was smiling at you; since you met her already, you recognized her as Hayato's mother, Hiromu Ikejiri.

"Ah, (f/n)!" She exclaimed, happily letting you enter the house. "How nice you've come to visit! I assume you want to see Hayato?" Hiromu wiggled her eyebrows to underline her statement, which embarrassed you slightly.

"Hayato missed some of the lessons and I thought I'd bring him the notes I collected for him... so yeah?"

You answered her question a bit uncertain, tightening your grip around the bag you were holding. Hiromu laughed at your answer, shrugging it off heartily.

"Don't worry, I'm just joking! Hayato said he'd go up to the attic to do something, I have no idea what though," Hiromu informed, pointing upstairs. "You'll surely find him there!"

"Thank you!" You waved and slowly climbed the stairs, leaving to where you assumed you'd find the attic.

While still walking, you believed to hear some sort of sound come from the attic. It sounded very melodious and calming, you took an immediate liking towards the soft melody.

However, you couldn't figure out which song that was, nor which instrument was playing that melody. You were becoming curious about the source of it.

Without noticing, you began swinging to the melody that volumed up the farther you got up. Whatever Hayato was doing up there, it undoubtedly sounded wonderful.

A smile appeared on your features; you weren't able to figure out why you were smiling, probably out of an impulse. Once you reached the door which lead to the attic, you noted that the melody most definitely came from in there. The reason you were able to hear it was because the door was a crack open.

Gently, with the plan to not scare Hayato in mind, you pushed the door open - earning a shocked expression from your side.

The reason for that was Hayato - or what he was doing, to be exact. You didn't expect to find him sitting on the ground, his delicate hands gently holding an instrument.

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