✸ 𝗷𝗮𝗻 𝟮𝟱: suna r.

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January 25 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: rintarō suna,
MB of inarizaki !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: swearing
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: (ooc)

birthday oneshot !



"Do we really have to take that over?"
Suna already seemed annoyed at the sound of the long shopping list your mother had written for you.

You nodded your head a bit too vigorously, trying to let it look convincing. "Yeah, my mom always shops all the groceries herself, but she's busy today and well... she wanted me to do it for her..."

When looking at Suna's expression, most people probably wouldn't have recognized what he was feeling right now, given how monotonous his face looked. You, being his significant other for quite a while now, could tell how upset he was though.

The way his eyes glistened with the upsetness and how his mouth twitched ever so slightly gave him away - to you, at least.

Your sheepish expression faltered and turned into a guilty one instead.

"Rintarō, I'm literally so sorry this has to be on your birthday... and we actually wanted to spend some time together and-"

Suna sighed and grabbed your hand instead of saying something, which resulted in you stop talking. Your eyes wandered to look at his, but Suna was stubbornly looking forwards; you looked away and sighed again.

In all honesty... you hated lying to Suna. You did ever since you met, however, this only intensified when you both started dating. You'd say it's something that makes you extremely uncomfortable, not saying the truth in every word you mentioned before.

Suna apparently decided to say something to you, "... don't worry, (f/n). The faster we get it done, the better."

You only nodded your head as an response, signifying him you understood and agreed. When you motioned to a shop, you both headed towards it and started buying the specific groceries on the list.

It was hard for you to make up the lie in the first place and then play along - but you did it for the sake of Suna. For his birthday, in particular.

There was a secret surprise party set up for him, which was the idea of Atsumu Miya; it was also his idea to have you keep Suna occupied until they are done preparing everything.

Atsumu's very creative idea with the shopping seemed to work though, 'finally one of your ideas is actually good', as Osamu stated. The idea of it was in fact perfectly planned through; Suna's friends would set the party up at your house so it'll make sense if you return to the house after shopping.

Well, if you were being completely honest, that lie with the shopping wasn't even half-lied, as your mother had planned on going shopping soon - so you just offered to do it in her place, which she was really grateful for.

Osamu told you that someone of them would send you a message if they were ready for you and Suna to come. The only thing you had to do is wait, consequently; but that was easier said than done, because the list had an end and if it was reached, you would have to return. No matter what other excuses you added.

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