✸ 𝗷𝘂𝗹 𝟬𝟵: koganegawa k.

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July 09 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: kanji koganegawa,
setter of date tech !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: unedited



"aw, we already arrived," kanji stated disappointedly and pouted, seeing the hallways split ways. he held onto your hand just a little tighter after the realisation hit, not wanting to let go of your soft, warm hand.

the smile you gave him was just as warm as the heat your hand emitted. kanji was really adorable; even though he acted this way almost every morning, you couldn't get used to how cute he behaved. it's been a bunch of time since it started, truthfully, but it was a new experience every day anew.

"don't worry," you reassured him, patting his arm in a manner of comforting him. "you know it won't be long till we see each other again."

"you're right, but a whole school day is still too long," kanji protested. he turned to look at your face for the last time until he was able to see you again after school. unfortunately, both of you had different classes and didn't share any of them together, so separation for the day was usual.

you giggled at his antics, caressing his arm one more time before you directed your attention to your locker. you two had halted aside the middle of the hallway next to the long rows of blue lockers when you arrived here. a few students were gathered around, minding their own business and doing preparations until school began.

surprisingly, though, kanji and you had your lockers located right next to each other, which probably was the main reason how you got to know one another so well. this spot was the one you two walked together to day by day before you had to split ways to go to your own classes.

"well, you know, my club is cancelled today, so I'll probably come to your practice to watch you play." you closed your locker after stuffing all needed books into your bag, looking at kanji who was doing the same.

his eyes lit up noticeably upon hearing your proclamation. he was the happiest whenever you had the chance to attend his practice, since he wanted to show you how cool it was to play volleyball. and he simply loved seeing you and having you by his side during that time, so the situation added up well.

"that's great! I'll look forward to that, then!"

you chuckled at his enthusiastic words while you watched as he finished packing up.

when he faced you once again, a sparkle flew through his warm eyes. since you knew him fairly well, you were assuming that he most likely came up with an idea to do once again.

you were right, assuming that.

the next moment, kanji placed his arms around your figure and gracefully lifted you off the ground, effortlessly as if you weighed nothing. he twirled you around a few times, spinning around his own axis with you. time seemed to stop when this happened.

you perceived you two spinning rather vividly, slowly, taking in every sequence of the motion. from the corner of your eye, you saw the specks of other people's faces and pieces of your surroundings fly by, but your gaze was solely fixated on kanji.

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