✸ 𝗷𝘂𝗹 𝟬𝟭: daishō s.

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July 01 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: suguru daisho,
captain of nohebi !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: -



teasing, by now, was a standardised behaviour when it came to your and daisho's daily interactions.

it had become normal, even. people would wonder for sure if you two were to suddenly stop your regular taunting.

your interactions basically consisted of the teasing you shot each other's way, knowing exactly what to comment to get a certain reaction of the other.

in that sense, one could say you knew one another pretty well. to the extent of being able to irritate each other, at least.

you admitted that you loved to tease daisho.

as cool as he might be playing, he does get riled up easier than was good for him, probably. nonetheless, you were quite sure that he was aware of that in some way and might only be putting up some kind of act.

if one was to ask daisho of his opinion, he most likely would have the same answer you had; he loved mocking you, as well. he loved seeing that little irritated twitch your eyebrows made when you got upset or how a small grin graced your lips when the conversation intensified.

he took a liking to it.

similarly to you, really.

that was probably the reason why your teasing went both ways equally.

but in the end, it was all playful and not meant in a serious way, so both of you always shrugged it off with ease. there was that unspoken awareness that neither you nor daisho implied any of your comments as serious statements and rather as playful, light-hearted jokes.

it had never been that serious. even if it might seem that way.

and truth to that, the moment you stepped into your literature class this morning, a teasing comment left daisho's mouth. since this had become that habitual, you weren't taken aback by what came next.

"oh, (l/n). I see you fixed your clothing? unlike the unflattering shirt I saw you in yesterday, I'm afraid."

the shirt he was referring to was your practice shirt for badminton. the day before, you had mindlessly thrown it into your locker without folding it, like you normally did.

unsurprisingly, the next time you wanted to use it, the shirt was really, and I mean really, wrinkled. it looked like it hadn't been ironed for weeks straight.

and unfortunately, the volleyball captain paid a visit that exact day. needless to say, his teasing hadn't ended after he left your practice yesterday.

"I wouldn't speak if I was you, daisho," you retorted, coming to a stop in front of his seat. you smiled at him. "your tie is crooked, and it seems to me that you haven't noticed yet."

as if being electrocuted, daisho snapped his head down in a sharp motion to look at what you pointed out. he realised that his tie indeed stuck out of his blazer, in a way that it looked like strong winds had interfered with his travel to school.

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