✸ 𝗺𝗮𝗿 𝟬𝟴: tsukishima a.

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March 08 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: akiteru tsukishima,
previous karasuno alumnus !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: the writing's perhaps rushed



On a chilly Saturday afternoon one wouldn't typically find you going somewhere, nor be outside your house at all. At least, that's what usually was the case on Saturdays - which contradicted the situation at the moment, as you were making your way to that specific coffee shop, wrapped in a warm jacket.

You didn't know how you let your friends convince you to do this, you were extremely unhappy just by looking at the weather outside. Yet, that probably was normal for autumn and you couldn't do much about it - other than staying at home and not even willing to do this, of course.

Unfortunately, it was already too late to change your opinion on that though. You wished you had thought about the whole situation more when you were first confronted with the whole plan of your friends, maybe you wouldn't have been here now if you did.

After some more minutes of quietly walking, you finally reached your destination; the coffee shop you had been told about. Following the other tips or rather ideas your friends had given you, you entered the coffee shop and were immediately hit by the inviting warmth.

You looked around, quickly getting accustomed to the surroundings - it was much warmer in here, compared to the outside. The shop looked very cozy from afar, you realized that must've been one of the reasons why your friends chose this place.

Remembering that they had chosen a certain table in advance, you began to search the table that apparently was labeled with the number '4'. You were quick to find it; it looked like the other tables in the coffee shop, so you could be relieved about the fact that it wasn't something too fancy or extraordinary.

You took a seat on the left side of the table and got comfortable instantly, also putting your bag next to you. Whilst staring out the window and watching the beautifully coloured leaves fall down the trees, your mind thought back to how you got involved in such circumstances.

"No, hear me out (f/n)! We've found a perfect partner for you aaand you now have a blind date arranged with them! Don't worry, we are sure this is so gonna work out." - that pretty much explained the whole backstory of your unplanned 'date'.

You were very well aware that your friends were capable of many things - sometimes even things that were shockingly unexpected - however, you haven't ever thought, nor imagined, that your friends were so persistent to actually pair you off with a total stranger.

In short, to arrange you a blind date with someone you haven't ever talked to. Surely, you had once in a while phantasized about what it would be like to have a lover by your side, but still, you haven't imagined it would turn out this way. You didn't securely know what this blind date would result in, but you certainly knew it was very odd to go out with a stranger.

A pair of hurried footsteps snapped you out of your thoughts; when turning your head, you were met with a tall blonde boy, who glanced at the table that moment. He then awkwardly looked you in the eyes, not knowing what to say. "H-hello."

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