✸ 𝗷𝗮𝗻 𝟮𝟳: hanamaki t.

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January 27 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: takahiro hanamaki,
WS of aoba johsai !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: -



"Come on, please (f/n)!"

"Mattsun, as much as I'd love to... I can't."

After you had returned home from work, you were resuming your usual routine, if it wasn't for a phone call from a person to reach you. That 'anonymous' turned out to be one of your friends from high school, Issei Matsukawa.

He and a few other old friends of yours came up with the idea to meet up with everyone again and to talk about how everyone's been. That would above all be your best friend (bf/n), Iwaizumi, Oikawa and, Hanamaki.

"Why can't you??" Matsukawa nearly yelled into his phone, which had you hold your phone an arm's length away from your ear. "Is it because you can't see Makki again or what?" He inquired, but it sounded rather demandingly.

You sighed in defeat. "I- no, of course not, it's just... you know I have a difficult job and live so far away and all..."

You tried making up reasons, but to no avail. They came out more like excuses rather than understandable reasons. Matsukawa let out a 'tch' sound.

"They are no reasons, (f/n)! If you wanted you'd drive all the way here from Yamagata, don't make it sound like you have to travel all over Japan! Besides, I very much know that your job doesn't hold you back at all, you can very easily..."

Matsukawa continued on to reproach you about various aspects and listed reasons why you should come, mainly because he securely knew you would love to see your friends again. Especially Hanamaki.

"Issei," You raised your voice after listening to him for one and a half minute straight, "I know that would mean much to all of you, but I just can-."

"Please, (f/n), don't come with 'I can't' again," Matsukawa sounded partly annoyed, partly distraught. "You know, and I know, that you just don't want to see Makki again, only to part ways after."

"Issei, it's not like that, you don't understand-"

All your attempts to talk out of this situation weren't leading anywhere; Matsukawa interrupted you again, "Listen (f/n), I don't want to hear things that aren't true. You. Are. Coming. No contradict."


"No buts," Matsukawa sighed exasperatedly at your stubborness. "I expect you to be at the place at the time I told you. And if you aren't moving there yourself, I'll get you."

His tone calmed down after that statement. "See you there."

"Ummm- see you too?" You bid your goodbye unsurely, before Matsukawa hung up and the line went dead.

You leaned against the counter in your kitchen and rubbed your temples in frustration. Matsukawa sure was persistent... but what have you expected anyway?

Sighing, you returned to let the water boil in the kettle; you had wanted to make a tea for yourself before, you didn't have the chance to boil the water just yet.

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