✦ 𝗷𝘂𝗻 𝟭𝟯: sugawara k.

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June 13 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: kōshi sugawara,
setter of karasuno !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: -



Using your hand to fan a bunch of air to your face, you tried enjoying the little blow of fresh air on your warm skin as utmost as possible. For a second, the cooler blow sent shivers down your spine, and this little part of your body relaxed for a second before the warmth resettled on your skin.

You breathed out, sinking further into the fabric of the beanbag.

The air in the room you were in was so stuffy to the point you almost drowned in a suffocating perception, albeit this feeling was solely caused by the immense warmth of the surroundings.

"Gosh..." When hearing some shuffling next to you, you tilted your head to look at your boyfriend Kōshi Sugawara, who lazily changed his position on the bed he lay on.

"It's so damn hot.."

Sugawara faced you, watching you nod your head slightly in an attempt to show agreement to what he had said.

Your eyes met simultaneously to that, as you had your gaze still focused on Sugawara's sort of exhausted figure. He flashed you a soft and tiresome smile yet kept his eyes stubbornly fixated on you.

Your head dropped down again, though you kept it tilted to keep watching Sugawara. he, meanwhile, laid his head down on his forearms, trying to find a comfortable spot on his messy bed. his eyes never left yours, though.

Within these few seconds of staring at each other, both of you calmed down visibly and, for a moment, forgot about what bothered you two and probably the whole population of miyagi this very moment.

This problem was the severe rising of temperatures since the start of the week, the thermometer reaching up to 40 degrees celsius (104 °F).

It's needless to say that such high temperatures barely prevailed in miyagi, and if they did occur, it was an unusual thing to the people. people who weren't at all used to them, additionally.

That was why sugawara and you could do the only activity possible in your minds, which was trying to escape the warmth by not moving around too much.

You weren't all too successful, though, as the warmth of the surroundings, of course, didn't decrease, even if you didn't move.

you surely weren't used to this either way.

"You're right, it's really warm," you agreed with suga's previous remark, laughing lightly at your apparent hopeless situation, in that sense.

after all, the only thing you could honestly do was talk about how warm it is. nothing would necessarily change through that, though.

"I remember that we had a fan somewhere," sugawara promptly stated, ensuing your agreement.

It looked like this thought had just crossed his mind. his eyebrows were furrowed to show that he was pondering about it.

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