✸ 𝗷𝘂𝗹 𝟯𝟭: komori m.

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July 30 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: motoya komori,
libero of itachiyama !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: as unedited as
the past ones 💀
+ it's kinda bad

birthday oneshot !



it was a given fact to you that motoya was a very selfless person. at this point, that was a solid part of his personality that you learned to appreciate in every day of your life, as not all people acted like that to the extent that he did.

he would always put others' wishes and needs before his, simply because he felt that this was the correct thing to do. and he never complained about it, nor was he ever upset; you would go as far as saying that he was content helping others out and assisting them.

you, as his lover, were probably more aware of that than anyone else was. certainly, you would pick his habits and personality traits up at some point through spending so much time with him. that's why, only through observing, you were able to tell this much. but, of course, motoya's selflessness didn't stop around you. what added up was that you were very aware of this trait because he behaved the same way towards you.

perhaps even more increased than towards other people. motoya genuinely loved you this much.

and you loved him a lot, too, which is why you always tried to give motoya back as much as he always gave you. you weren't just going to let all his actions to you remain unanswered, as he was worthy of just as much kind treatment as he distributed to other humans.

thus, you tried your best to treat motoya right. he deserved nothing less than that.

however, you also sometimes wondered if it was too much that he did for others. it was a concerning amount of requests he would fulfil at times. especially if it was about his own health condition, his well-being, or if it came to interfere with his favourite activities. that was too much, no matter how open and selfless someone was.

you tried to care for him the best way that you possibly could. sometimes, that was more of a challenge than was visible or predictable. today was one of these days.

but what even happened today? to put it simply, motoya had not picked up any of your calls, although it was important for you to reach out to him. you first brushed it off as him being busy.

then, you caught a glimpse of him at school. he seemed to avoid anyone and anything, only wanting to get over with this day as fast as possible. you would have thought he was distressed, somehow, if it hadn't been for your doubtful self.

but as soon as his sibling called you and shared that something was severely wrong with him, you were almost too certain.

motoya wanted to push this day away. he didn't want to experience it, as it seemed.

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