✦ 𝗮𝗽𝗿 𝟬𝟯: watari s.

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April 03 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: shinji watari,
libero of aoba johsai !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: -



The sun shone brightly above all the life that was going on beneath it, lighting everything up to a higher degree than the usual daylight would. Today was an exceptionally warm and sunny day, though that was typical for a day in the nearer summer months.

That lead to many people being outside their houses and enjoying the warmth radiating from the sun, as well as the overall excellent weather. It made so many people feel happy to a different extent, simply explained by the fact that the sun and in general its light made everything so much better.

This fact applied to you and Shinji Watari too, and that's the reason why you two were outside at the moment. Just like most other people, you two enjoyed the great weather by being under the sun and the blue, cloudless sky.

Although, there was an aspect that differientated you two from all the other people; more specifically, what activity you were carrying out. Shinji came up with the rather cool idea of going outside to rollerskate, because he thought of a change that would definitely be fun for the two of you.

You, who was immediately thrilled by that idea, agreed to the different idea of spending time outdoors. Although you haven't ever skated before, you figured that with the help of Shinji, it shouldn't be all too hard to learn.

You were a tiny little bit wrong thinking that, as it actually took you a longer bunch of time to first of all get used to it. Then, the other problem was that you constantly kept on wobbling and losing balance, falling down quite often - though that didn't demotivate you just yet.

Shinji, of course, didn't mind that at all; he loved teaching and helping you out, seeing as he himself dearly loved rollerskating. Being able to do that with you was even more wonderful, in his opinion.

"Come on, (f/n), you can do it!" Shinji encouraged you, still holding your hands tightly. He guided you on your skates whilst skating backwards himself, making sure you didn't fall down and that he kept standing too.

You smiled half-heartedly at him, trying to keep your balance as good as possible. The whole process had turned out to be much more difficult than expected, undoubtedly; you were heavily embarrassed at yourself and were also very sorry that Shinji had to deal with that.

Though, it didn't affect Shinji at all - you took notice of that, as he pursued helping you while constantly smiling. That surely showed just how glad he was to spend time with you and that he wasn't bothered by your struggling at all.

"See? You're getting better already."

Shinji did his best in encouraging you too, in his opinion, that was the best way someone would find motivation in doing something. You'd always find yourself being a lot more motivated indeed when Shinji tried to hype you up, something you were extremely grateful for as well.

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