✦ 𝗮𝗽𝗿 𝟭𝟮: akagi m.

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April 12 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: michinari akagi,
libero of inarizaki !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: -



Some people might have thought of you and Akagi to be beyond crazy when finding out that you two stood up early every day to do your usual morning runs - at 4 to 5 am in the quite early morning hours. It additionally sounded even more astounding when you'd find out that you and him did this on every weekday, which included Saturday and Sunday.

But this became a daily routine for you already, seeing as Akagi and you jogged every morning for months now. You weren't fully aware how many exactly, you hadn't started counting and in all honesty, you didn't care about that either way. The thing that mattered was that you exercised, which kept you healthy; on top, you were accompanied by your long-time friend Akagi.

After all, you two were doing this because you wanted to stay in shape and that's very significant to you both. Not only because of the general positive effects of running, but also because you two participated in sport clubs at Inarizaki. Therefore, it was important to exercise gently, on top of the usual practice at your clubs.

You zipped your jacket up, getting ready for these routine 'morning runs' that was about to happen in a few minutes again. It had to be around 5 am right now, you weren't exactly sure because you had only glanced at the time when you stood up.

Surely by now, Akagi would already be waiting in front of your home though, so the time didn't really matter. There was this unwavering feeling inside which told that Akagi was there already, and you decided to fully trust it.

After you were entirely ready for the running activity, dressed in your usual clothing specific for this occasion, you opened the front door quietly. Your siblings had already complained about how 'loud' you were, although you really tried your best to be as quiet as possible.

Hence, that's why you did the process of opening and closing the door slowly and quietly, taking a key with you so you didn't have to ring the bell afterwards. This mission, as it seemed, succeeded quite well - or that's what you thought, after all the door hadn't cracked a single time.

You jumped down the three stairs that ended in the small path through your house's front yard. Promptly, you were met with a small, cold wind gust, which blew precisely into your face. You felt like you were awakened to your full sensed by the second, all the sleepiness disappeared oh-so quickly.

Truthfully, that's another thing you loved about those morning runs; the gusts that emerged every now and then always woke you up and washed the drowsiness you might have had before away completely. Moreover, you loved to feel the wind grace your soft skin, it simply felt very enjoyable.

When glancing over to the fence that snaked around the front yard, you could clearly make out a person leaning on it - this person could only be Akagi. Nobody else would wake up this early after all, and you also recognized him by his unique volleyball uniform jacket.

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