✦ 𝗮𝗽𝗿 𝟬𝟴: nobuyuki k.

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April 08 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: kai nobuyuki,
WS of nekoma !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: spoilers of the haikyuu
ova's ( land vs. air, the path
of the ball )
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: -



Your hand reached for the railing as you panted heavily, trying to catch your breath from literally sprinting all the way here. At this moment, you were incredibly glad that the whole focus was concentrated on the game that was held on the court and not on you, who miserably failed to come and witness the start of the match.

After you more or less properly caught your breath, you speed-walked over to the crowd of people who stood behind the red banner that read 'connect'. Luckily, it wasn't difficult to recognize where you had to go to.

The Nekoma cheer squad was entirely focused on the game their team held against Nohebi at the moment, the game being incredibly important because that was the last chance for Nekoma to reach nationals.
That was why at first, nobody precisely noticed your approaching self until you came to a stop right next to a grey-haired girl and a brunette.

"Oh my god, (f/n)!!" Alisa exclaimed cheerily, squeezing you tightly in a firm hug. You gasped in order to catch a breath, albeit you were actually used to those tight hugs which almost always came from Alisa.

Suffocating was something you nonetheless didn't want, so you lightly loosened Alisa's tight grip around you."We already worried you wouldn't come anymore!"

Akane nodded her head, agreeing with what Alisa had previously stated. Both of them really had been dead worried about you, which in fact wasn't that unnormal because who knew what might've happened to you? About any scenario came to their head when you didn't show up at the time you said you would, some of the thoughts more exaggerated than others.

"We thought something serious happened, really!" Alisa continued, worry swinging in her tone from the very beginning. You tried to reassure them by waving your hands in front of you. "As you can see I'm fine, don't worry!"

"What took you so long then, anyway?" Akane asked, raising one of her eyebrows at you. Scratching your head, you proceeded to tell the two girls about what delayed your arrival at this game.

"I got stuck in traffic." You started off, glancing around the hall before directing your gaze back to the two females in front of you. As simple snd ridiculous this may sound, it was the reason why you couldn't keep up with the time.

After letting that short information sink in for a few moments, you continued on telling what exactly happened.

It wasn't like you intended this to happen, you as a matter of fact would never ever voluntarily miss the start of one of Nekoma's games - mainly because of Kai. You felt incredibly miserable because of that, you never miss out anything involving Kai's dedication after all and the fact that you couldn't do anything about it made everything worse.

However, nobody can do anything which concerns the flow of traffic, now that you thought about it; it was not your fault the whole streets were crowded and the bus didn't bring you to the gym on time. You hadn't thought the traffic would be this crazy at the time period right now, but Tokyo was pretty unpredictable when it came to that.

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