✦ 𝗮𝗽𝗿 𝟬𝟰: ojiro a.

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April 04 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: aran ojiro,
WS of inarizaki !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: -



Aran would always see you in the hallways of Inarizaki or, in general, the school campus. Whether it be a short passing in the hallways or sitting near each other in the cafeteria; no matter what, Aran would always notice you. Even when the corridors were crowded as hell and he could've noticed any other person - it always ended up being you.

The catch of it all was that this didn't just happen randomly once in a while, maybe once in a month; strangely enough, you two saw each other every single day. Regardless of the situation Aran and you were in, you'd always see and recognize each other from having seen the other so many times before.

Now, some people might've started thinking this was on purpose, then; because why would Aran and you constantly be aware of each other's presence, although you were total strangers to each other?

As if that wasn't enough, it was only that you noted the respective other to be there, but not any classmate of some sort you'd be seeing every day, over a longer period of time?

If someone else looked at it, this whole concept indeed seemed quite... odd. You had no idea what kind of person Aran was, and neither did he know you very well; in conclusion, the only thing you knew about each other was your appearances and your voices, if you've heard the other talk once.

Aran sighed, his breath forming a small gust that was visible due to the rather chill weather outside. He didn't know what to make out of this once again whilst making his usual way to Inarizaki.

How long did this go on already? Aran wasn't exactly sure since when he'd started seeing you so very often, but he was totally certain that it went on for some months already. Or, he could at least say it went on for a longer period of time, yet he couldn't figure out when it all started or how.

He thought back to the situation of a few days ago. You had unintentionally been pushed against Aran in the rushing of the students - that had probably been the very first time you two had officially met and had a small exchange of words. You had quickly apologized to Aran for bumping into him, with him simply waving it off and saying it was alright. And that pretty much was it.

Nevertheless, it could surely be said that both of you recognized one another the second your eyes met. Although you two didn't show that you've seen each other very often (creepily enough) and pursued talking like you'd talk to any other person.

That could've been caused by the fact that you two were quite shy when it came to talking to the other; you didn't know each other, yes, but you undoubtedly affected each other a different way than anyone else.

You usually weren't shy like this, and neither was Aran, so it was quizzical why it was like that when you talked to Aran and he to you. Of course, it was obvious why you two acted like that; sooner or later, both of you realized it as well.

It was pretty apparent that you two developed a crush on the respective other. Even though you didn't know each other, hadn't talked nor acquantained properly.

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