✸ 𝗺𝗮𝗿 𝟬𝟭: matsukawa i.

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March 01 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: issei matsukawa,
MB of aoba johsai !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: -

fashion designer au !



Identical to every regular work day, you were walking down the familiar ways through the corridors of the company you worked at. It wasn't very crowded yet, the usual business time arrived much later than the time you started working.

While taking different directions, you wondered what new plans and ideas your superior had for today. Weekly, new orders always reached your designing company and since everyone worked in a various departments which respectively receive other orders, the superiors of each department had to educate the employee of every new intentions and plans.

You were very glad you had been accepted in the department which worked on casual clothing, for about any target group all over Japan. You liked designing casual clothes and that's why this department was more than perfect for you.

The entrance to your department's hall came into sight, you were able to spot some of your co-workers from the slightly opened door already. Quickly, you arrived there and pushed the door open, seeing everyone being extremely concentrated and focused on whatever they were scribbling down on their papers.

With some greetings here and there, you made your way over to your workspace, which was located further in the back of the hall. Many of your co-workers greeted or waved back when you spoke to them, after such a long time of working together you practically knew everyone around.

Unsurprisingly, the big clock on the wall opposite of your current position caught your attention while walking. It showed 9:40 am at the moment, which meant that your superiors would be coming to inform everybody in twenty minutes.

Until then, you could look over your most recent designs and perhaps change some physical aspects of it. That's also what probably everybody did, you could pretty much call it a routine.

You gracefully pulled out the chair and threw yourself onto it, whilst also placing down your belongings next to the table which you called your work surface.

As always, you got comfortable on the chair and in the warm temperature of the purlieus, mentally getting ready for another exhausting and strength demanding day of work. Despite this, you were not complaining, as you were pursuing the job you had wanted to do ever since.

Throughout musing what new missions might be arising today, you fetched your designs from one of your respective folders. You observed them, then you felt for a pencil on the surface to add other extra information or notes on the sides of the paper.

Now that you could exploit the time being for eyeing your designs into the smallest detail, you were able to make out much more things that needed to be added, or changed.

Like this, the time passed much faster, mainly because your mind came across more brilliant ideas. And soon, you gound yourself listening to your superiors' speech.

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