✸ 𝗷𝘂𝗹 𝟬𝟱: kita s.

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July 05 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: shinsuke kita,
captain of inarizaki !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: longer than it
probably should be
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: heavily unedited
(help me pls istg)



the sun shone clearly above the top of your head and the roofs of the buildings nearby. it was warm and sunny, birds were heard chirping somewhere. a cool, refreshing breeze was blown over from time to time, making the scenery of a wonderful afternoon in summer complete.

but despite the fact that the outside temperature wasn't chilly at all, you felt incredibly cold. that was probably due to the nervosity that pulsed through your veins at a steady, quickened pace, which even had chills trickle up and down your spine. you were far more than nervous at this point, agitatedly waiting for what you decided to call an upcoming challenge.

if you had been able to, you would have tried to calm your anxious demeanour by taking slow and controlled breaths, but for some reason, you were too distracted to do so. perhaps, this was again because of how nervous you were feeling. whatever adrenaline sped through your body was like an arrow piercing through your being. •

you were too caught up with yourself to notice that, due to your fear, you had clenched your hand way tighter than you normally would. now, that wouldn't have been much of a problem if it wasn't for your boyfriend, shinsuke kita, holding hands with you this very moment.

obviously, since your hand was tightening the more around his hand as minutes passed, it was easy for shinsuke to tell that you were not feeling too well.

with a hint of concern, he squeezed your hand lightly to get your attention to land on him.

his action did break you free from your cloud of thoughts, fortunately. upon sensing his gentle squeeze, your head snapped up to look at shinsuke, only for you to notice that he was already looking at you.

his worry reflected in his eyes. it was then that you realised that you must have clenched his hand tight during your absence from reality.

before you could take any step towards apologising or any of that sort, though, shinsuke spoke up.

"love, are you alright?" his simple inquiry almost let you tear up at its sheer genuineness. you were never out to worry shinsuke majorly in a day of your life, but whenever he was concerned, he was always incredibly serene about it.

certainly, he knew how to handle such situations well. he had his own, soft but direct way of approaching you or others whenever he felt that hinge of worry inside him.

you found it difficult to speak up. on one hand, you didn't want to worry shinsuke anymore than you already had and rather settled with simply shrugging your behaviour off. but, truthfully, you were really bad at lying, especially if it was shinsuke you lied to.

you simply couldn't lie to him. and it probably was no use at this point anyway, since he had clearly noticed your odd antics.

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