✦ 𝗮𝗽𝗿 𝟬𝟱: ukai k.

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April 05 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: keishin ukai,
coach of karasuno !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: -



keishin glanced nervously, or rather worriedly, at the watch on his wrist. you should've been here by now, actually gotten here ten minutes ago - and he was slowly, even if he knew unreasonably, getting worried about your wellbeing.

although, he also was aware that he probably shouldn't worry that much, because it was you he was thinking about here. let's say, it wasn't all that unusual for you to arrive late to events or meet-ups - and keishin, as your current lover, probably was more aware of that than any other person.

for you, it was either you were present super early or came way too late, and there was nothing in between of that, unfortunately. although, you had been like that since high school and keishin was, admittedly, already used to it by now.

he should definitely have considered it more thoroughly, however. knowing you, and keishin knew you quite well, it was almost impossible to not think about when you would be appearing to a planned event. he especially talked and agreed on it with you, after all.

a ping alerted keishin of a message his phone had received, which he swiftly took out upon hearing the notification. fortunately, he saw a new message under your contact name - for a split second, a bunch of relief for keishin because that meant you were alive.

reading the message though, keishin let out a groan as his worst imaginations came true. well, technically not the worst; the worst would have still been that you wouldn't show up at all and something might have happened. that you couldn't make it on time anew was nothing in comparison to this.

a small part of keishin had clinged onto a little ray of hope nonetheless. it shouldn't be surprising him in any way and at this point, it honestly did not shock him. but he had trusted fate that maybe, maybe it would be different today.

for now, he put his phone aside, knowing that there were more important issues to take care of. practice was about to start, and with him being the coach, he of course had his duties to fulfill.

his slightly different behaviour didn't go by unnoticed though. takeda saw how keishin's exterior showed a little of what seemed like upsetness or exasperation. he figured that it must trouble him a lot, as he hadn't witnessed keishin often in a state like this, which was enough of a reason for him to approach keishin.

"ukai, are you feeling alright?" takeda's voice snapped keishin out of his worried thinking, simultaneously having keishin turn his head to him. "you've been acting quite agitated for the past minutes," he added.

keishin smiled tightly, gripping his forearm with his hand. "I guess I am. I just invited somebody to come and help the boys practise, but they haven't appeared yet. and well, they are unable to make it punctual. "

he guessed that he was a bit saddened because he wouldnt get to see you any sooner than usual, too.

"isn't that great, then? The boys always get excited about someone new to practise with and talk to, you know how they reacted when seeing the neighboorhood team."

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