✸ 𝗺𝗮𝗿 𝟮𝟬: sakusa k.

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March 20 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: kiyoomi sakusa,
WS of itachiyama !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: (ooc)



It was undeniable that you and Sakusa had some kind of unique bond, which in total massively contrasted with how Sakusa usually acted towards people. How it happened this way was a true riddle, nobody could honestly tell or find out what was the exact cause; not even Sakusa himself.

He knew he was a lot more distant to all the strangers around him than to his family members and Komori. However, for a seemingly odd reason, Sakusa felt a lot more comfortable around you than around the rest - maybe it was simply a feeling, or your personality made him react a whole other way.

Nonetheless, this didn't stop him from being different towards you and for you to be different to him as well; you probably tickled out each other's alternate side of personality. For you both, it couldn't go much better than this, seeing as you two felt better with each other every day anew.

It didn't take long for you to develop feelings for each other either. For one it might've went faster than for the other, but ultimately, you ended up with the same view of one another.

Of course, all of this didn't go unnoticed by your friends. They quickly took notice of how you two acted towards each other, so extremely different that it already weirded everyone else out. Even Komori, Sakusa's cousin, could only agree to all of this.

Unbeknownst to them, you two had started dating a long time ago - your one-year anniversary as a couple was soon to come. After your confessions back in the first year though, you two agreed on keeping your relationship a secret at first, as Sakusa was unsure about openly revealing it (and truthfully, you weren't one hundred percent sure either, back then).

Nevertheless, your friends did not hesitate a single second when once conceiving the idea to set you and Sakusa up (poor Komori was dragged in this as well). It was quite amusing how they always tried doing the set-ups, the amusement doubling because they had no idea you and Sakusa were a couple.

This perhaps was the cause for the fact that Sakusa now was outside of his clean home, keeping away from the rustling crowd as far as possible. He grumbled; why did he let Komori convince him in doing this so easily again? He should've argued back, maybe he would be at home now and not here - around all these people.

Sakusa was too busy being disgusted at his surroundings and thinking what he could've done previously that he didn't notice you approaching him. From afar, you were able to tell how unpleased Sakusa was by this situation, mainly judging by the glare he sent everyone's way.

You laughed quietly to yourself, knowing that this event would evolve to be pretty amusing if it started this way. Yet, it was always amusing when Sakusa was out in public and had to be around people.

Quickly, you reached Sakusa, who still didn't really perceive your presence. Only after you greeted him, he noticed your presence next to him. "Hello Kiyoomi." His glare seemed to soften in the slightest bit upon seeing you.

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