✦ 𝗷𝘂𝗻 𝟭𝟬: iwaizumi h.

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June 10 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: hajime iwaizumi,
WS of aoba johsai !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: -



"Um, excuse me? Have you seen a little boy with (h/c) hair?"

"Excuse me?"

"Can you help me out, please?"

You skipped around in the crowd of people rushing through the city, trying to get at least one person to talk to you. But that was more challenging than expected, as you were straight up ignored or pushed out of the way by almost everybody.

And the few people who actually stopped in their tracks to listen to what you had wanted to ask either said they didn't have the time to help you or that they hadn't seen a boy with (h/c) hair.

Frustratedly, you plopped down on a bench. Guilt immediately built up inside you as soon as you abandoned scurrying around.

You should've paid more attention. You wouldn't have been in this situation if you had.

That it was certainly all your fault made you feel even worse.

The city is enormous, not to mention how many alleyways, buildings, and streets existed. It was a whole different kind of complicated to find someone in a place as huge as this one.

Now, how did your distress actually arise?

To begin with, you had simply planned to take your little brother out on a walk through the city. Maybe you two would visit a shop or two - depending on what your brother was in the mood to do.

Exactly this had taken place. Your brother dragged you from one shop to another, at times begging you to buy him something he saw there.

Shortly after, you had unexpectedly been separated from him, though.

How exactly that could have happened, despite you holding his hand tightly in yours, is something you still hadn't clearly figured out. But that's what you were worrying about the least at the moment. More important was how you would find your brother again.

Your brother was pretty shy around strangers, a clear fact for you to know. He had always been like that ever since he was younger. That was point one of you being worried about what he was doing at the moment.

The second thought troubling you was that you had no idea how a seven years old can survive in a city, around all kinds of people, without somebody to lean on.

You were in more than just a problematic situation, more so because you knew you were the one in charge to care for him. The one to make sure he was doing okay.

Consequently, you had no idea how to approach this situation at all, let alone figure out what you were going to do next. You were troubled by the cloud of thoughts coming together in your head, unable to think rationally.

It was all hopeless.

You brought out your phone stuffed in your pocket, checking the screen for the upteenth time during the past minutes.

About half an hour passed already since you had lost your brother in the crowd. Your anxious demeanour clenched your heart tighter with every minute passing, the world seemed to spin under your feet, the milieu was a blur only.

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