✦ 𝗷𝘂𝗻 𝟬𝟲: kindaichi y.

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June 6 !

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋: yūtarō kindaichi,
MB of aoba johsai !
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: -
𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌: -



"it's your turn!" your friend exclaimed, throwing a mic towards you. before it dropped to the ground, you caught it in a flawless motion, pretending it from getting seriously damaged.

kindaichi, meanwhile, received another microphone from kunimi. normally, by the way. not like your friend, who wanted to test the mic's possible stability when thrown around.

"show us what you can do!"

you didn't know how your friend suddenly came up with karaoke. you also were unable to answer how they managed to convince everybody.

but here you were, staring at the television in (bf/n)'s living room. come to think of it, your friend did have some special abilities when it came to convincing people. especially when it was about convincing you.

they definitely held a special love for karaoke, too, which was probably the reason behind this occurrence. that idea probably came to mind when boredom arose after all of you had played board games for a while. your friend, as the host, had settled with finding a new activity to do.

what they thought of in the end was singing with their karaoke program.

at first, no one appeared to be as overly delighted as (bf/n), but hey, in the end all of you joined in; kunimi, kindaichi, you and (bf/n).

it had been chaotic until the whole event was properly organised and could begin. (bf/n) first had to figure out how their program worked again, which took them a bunch of attempts. at the end, after some complications and frustrations, they started off with singing karaoke.

mainly because no one else volunteered to start instead.

and now, all of you collabed to sing one song together. although you wanted to deny it, you clearly saw the wink your friend shot in your direction when you realised that you would sing together with kindaichi.

they were plotting something, and you were sure it wouldn't be something you would like.

you glanced at the tv screen, looking at which song had been randomly chosen for you four to form a quartet song out of. from the corner of your eye, you could see your friends glancing at the screen, too.

to your surprise, the song title symphony popped up on the tv. if there weren't many other songs with the exact same title released in the world, at least you were sure which symphony was meant.

"is it the song I think it is?" kunimi questioned, which, rather than a question, sounded like an unbelievable thing he mumbled to himself.

everyone in the room heard him, though. you were astounded that he appeared to be thinking the same thing as you did. (bf/n) caught up on what he said very quickly, surprisingly.

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