Chapter Three: Season One

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Chapter Three: Season one

Ragnar comes back to Kattegat: defeated. It was a great loss to us. Ubbe and Hvitserk have changed slightly since they left in the Spring. Hvitserk’s hair has grown. Ubbe has grown taller and his voice sounds different. I ran to the docks as the boys came off the boat. Ubbe welcomed me with open arms and Hvitserk joined him. “Thank Odin you have returned!” I said, breathlessly. 

“We thought we would never see you again!” Hvitserk said. It only made me grip Hvitserk more. I can only imagine what they have seen.

Ragnar walked past us, I turned to see the once mighty King stumble off. Ubbe and Hvitserk ran past him to greet their mother.

Ragnar didn’t even greet his wife, instead, he continued to walk off the dock. Personally, it was a big deal for me. Aslang does not deserve any attention from Ragnar. Not with the dirty things she has been doing. Aslang looked over at me; looking for an answer. I shrugged. He didn’t even say hello to the boys. 

Later in the evening, once the boys were fed and tucked in, Kattegat became calm; I went to sleep. I fell asleep against the dim lite candle. Just like a serpent in the night, Ragnar came into my room and startled me in my sleep. I gasped, he mildly placed his hand over my mouth. It was an unexpected visit from the King of Kattegat. He removed his hand from my mouth and leaned over me. I pulled the covers over my face and trembled underneath them.

“No need to be frightened, little one…” he whispered. “You know very well I would never hurt you…” “Let me speak gently to you.” I cautiously moved the covers off my face and looked up at him.

“I’m sorry for any trouble or pain my marriage to the Queen has caused you,” “You know very well your worth is much more than she sees it…” “Nod if you understand.”

I nodded gently. He chuckled softly. “I have to go away for a while…” 

“Where are you going?” I whispered.

“I cannot tell you, but I need you to do me a small favor…” 

“Yes, King Ragnar?”

“I need you to look after my sons, you love them more than anything, I see it…” “Someday I will return and when I do...I promise you that you will marry any one of your choosing,” Ragnar said.

“Do you promise me you will look after them?” “Especially my little Ivar?”

“I promise on my life-King Ragnar- I will look after them,” I whispered.

Ragnar smiled brightly at me. A great burden has been lifted off his shoulders. He tenderly fanned back my hair as a small tear fell from his face. A remembrance of Gyda clouded his mind. The life he once had and loved comes back to haunt him. His lip trembled as he fought to keep a focused face. 

“Good night, Queen of the Valkyries.” 

The next morning came and Ragnar Lothbrok was nowhere to be found. Only I, and I alone have the confirmation that he has disappeared-where too- I cannot say for sure. I just know I have an obligation. My obligation is to take care of the Princes. Ragnar knew what he was doing when he placed his responsibility in my hands. It was a great burden, but I was willing to do it. I’ve been doing it all along and now it’s my one priority. 

Aslang has been less than comforting to the boys. Her husband has completely vanished, leaving Kattegat in her care. Harbord does not come to her anymore, leaving her completely broken hearted. She wanders drunk on rainy days crying for her lost lover. She does not cry for her husband, but a God in human form. Odin is a sly one and she is just a foolish woman. How can an almighty God just love one simple mortal?

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