Chapter Nine: Season Six

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Chapter Nine: Season six 

Ivar’s P.O.V

I woke from a sound sleep from my thoughts racing through my head. I struggled to place my feet on the ground groaning from the agonizing pain. I placed my head down and covered my ears with my hands hoping the voices would stop. A roaring fire burned from outside my tent that shined through the sheets. I took my crutch and quietly got up so not to wake Sigrun and went outside to sit by the fire. 

A sudden realization has hit me, I’m truly immortal. I’m very sick indeed. My vision of conquering Wessex and becoming King is fading before my eyes and I could feel it as well. I do not confess this to Sigrun, because let’s be honest, she has sacrificed so much for me and my brothers. She deserves to be free, but once again for her to be free, I need to be King and own land. I will do it even if that means my death. 

A soft breeze gently caressed the opening of my wound by my neck and I suddenly felt that I was not alone anymore. I chuckled to myself.

“Are you here to tell me that I’m going to die soon?” I asked.

“You were always a clever one, Ivar the Boneless…” A soft wheeze followed him. I turned my head slightly to notice a mist sitting right next to me.

“Tell me, will I conquer Wessex?” 

“You already know the answer to that…” 

I gulped to myself and my thoughts went to my beloved Sigrun, “Then tell me this, will Sigrun be free?” 

He sucked in a deep breath of air, “She has always been free, it’s just those two beautiful words she has been dying to hear.”

I leaned over, feeling a twinge of hope, “Then there is hope for our future together?” I whispered. 

“Your fates has already been sealed, take comfort in your company together, for it is limited.” 

I sat alone again, realizing now, I will soon die and I cannot escape it. I put my face in my hand and whimpered. I did not whimper because I feared my death. I’m Viking and I do not fear death. I fear to watch Sigrun grieve for me and walk alone on this Earth. I fear she will never recover from my death and I would never give her a husband or a child. I have failed her. 

I picked my head up and turned slightly, hoping I did not wake her. I then had an idea, I got up, and rushed over to Hvitserk’s tent. Hvitserk was deeply asleep. With my foot, I kicked him awake, he jolted gasping for air.

“Wake up!” I ordered. 

“Is it morning yet?” Hvitserk groaned.

“Almost.” I sat down next to him, “I have a wonderful idea…” 

“Let’s hear it…” 

“I’m going to marry Sigrun tomorrow!” I said.

Hvitserk rubbed his eyes and then looked up at me, “Ivar, you can’t wait after we conquer Wessex?”

“We won’t be able to, Alfred’s forces are much stronger than us, and I know my fate will soon be sealed…” 

Hvitserk looked at me confused and unsure, “Are you well, brother?” 

“I haven’t been well and you and I know that, if I can’t make Sigrun my Queen, then I will make her my wife!” 

“If this is what you want to do…” Hvitserk said. A string of fear covered Hvitserk’s face as he tried to hide it.

“What does Sigrun have to say about this?” He asked.

“She doesn’t know it yet, it’ll be a small, civil ceremony and we will take the day to celebrate.” 

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