Chapter One: Season Five

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Chapter one: Season five

Kiev is such a wondrous place to be. Everyday I see something new and I learn something different. I try something different everyday, whether it would be food or a new invention. The people are very friendly and welcoming, making it easy to settle in my new setting. Katia is always by my side and she has become a close female companion I’ve always needed. Katia is just as new to Kiev as well and she's always strolling through her new Kingdom. My jealousy for her vanished once I knew she never slept with Ivar. Even if she could, Ivar just can’t.

Katia took a dark pink shaw off a stand and presented it across her arms. Obviously the color would never compliment us, but the color is beautiful nonetheless. A familiar shadow continuously hovered us as we walked through Kiev and I did not find it threatening, but watchful. I ignored it knowing who very well it was. He has nothing to fear for me, but he does not realize how trained I’m as a warrior, however. It is his love for that drives him to be so watchful. 

He decided to emerge from his hiding place and walk over to us. “Isn’t it beautiful?” I asked him about the shaw.

He chuckled, “Yes, very.” Katia placed it back to its rightful place. Ivar pulled me close and placed a kiss on my forehead. 

“How are you feeling today?” I asked. “Very well.” 

“I have some news for you…” he said, I turned to him to see his eyes widened with glee. 


“Prince Oleg has agreed to invade Kattegat…” Ivar said.

“Invade Kattegat?” I smiled mischievously. My last words to Bjorn was revenge shall be mine.

“Yes, I’m taking back our home…” “And when we do, I will be a better King and make you proud,” Ivar said.

I sighed softly, taking his hand into mine, “You’ve always made me proud.”

Our pulses matched each other as if they were in a race together. Although, Ivar’s pulse is much stronger than mine. It was astounding to feel such strength come within his veins and it only goes faster when it's around me. Ivar’s eyes glittered with excitement. His lips were in a small smile. Nothing else mattered around us except our pulse. 


Ivar went back into the castle to rest, although I do believe he is playing with the Young Prince, Igor. Katia has gone to another shop across from me. Hvitserk came in from behind me. We have not spoken much since our arrival to Kiev. He has remained quiet and distant from me. I lowly feared our relationship was at its end. 

“Hello, Hvitserk…” I said, halfly. 

“May we speak?” He asked, I nodded, turning my full attention to him. 

“I want to apologize for my actions in the past, that wasn’t me, and I did not mean to hurt you if I ever did…” Small tears formed in Hvitserk’s eyes indicating his scenery. 

“My Prince…” I whispered, placing my hand on his cold cheek. “You have nothing to apologize about, it is I that needs to apologize.” 

“No, no…” he chuckled, wiping his tears. “You have given me all of your love and I don’t regret it.” 

“I’ve hurt you…”

“You were my reason to stay alive, I was alive when I was around you, and-” I nodded understanding it.

“Even if that meant pretending you were Ivar….” 

“Well…” he paused, “That was awkward…” I giggled.

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