Chapter Six: Season Four

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Chapter six: Season four

Kattegat dubbed me as their hero. As a reward for my unconditional bravery as Ubbe put it, he moved me from my old home that was falling apart, and placed me in a more comfortable and roomy house. It was perfect, no thrall has lived in such luxury before, and it was all mine. Well earned and loved too.

Stormy nights became so pleasurable to me. No longer did I have to worry of water leaking into my home and onto my bed or my bread. It was the first time that I felt safe and secure among this town and it's forever changing behaviors. I became content and happy with myself, sewing my fabrics together to create a better amour for myself. Ubbe thought the black against my blonde (blood stained) hair was a nice look for me. It even attracted some suitors that would like to take my hand. I greatly declined all their offers.

Once I was finished with one outfit, I began to patch another outfit together, suitable for a man. I was making a new outfit for Hvitserk. I hoped by offering him this generous, heartfelt gift would patch our relationship together. Hvitserk has been confined to his home and occasionally throughout the day I would check up on him. He has not even congratulated me on defending Kattegat, but I turned a blind eye to his coldness, knowing the Hvitserk underneath that would bless the day.

Amma, the Great Hall's thrall- came bursting through the doors. Dripping wet from the rain and panting as she leaned against the table.

"Amma, what has happened?" I asked, getting up to close the door behind her. I leaned over to see if she was ok.

"It's Hvitserk!" I pulled her up and held her by her arms. "What's happened?" I asked frantically.

"I went to go check on him and he's gone!" She said, fearfully. Her eyes filled with tears.

I did not bother to worry about her, she is such a damsel in distress, and always looking for comfort. I rushed out the door, slamming it against the side, and into the pouring, cold rain.

At first, I gave Amma the benefit of the doubt, and I rushed to Hvitserk's home. By the time I got there, mud covered the bottom of my nightgown and splattered up my legs. My hair was wet from the rain. I burst through the door and looked throughout his house for him.

"Hvitserk!" "Hvitserk!"

The house was a mess, messier then it was when I stayed here.

"Hvitserk!" I called, a remembrance of hide-and-seek flashed before my eyes; when I couldn't find him, I called him by his family name. Hvitserk was not home.
"Hvitserk Lothbrok!"

Worry and panic overcame me as I ran out into the rain, calling his name. The heavy rain and the lightning made it almost impossible to see. Yet, I knew Kattegat so well, I could walk her blindfold. I stopped at a barn and knew I had to turn back and go home. There was no point in looking for Hvitserk if it meant my safety would be at jeopardy. As I walked back home, however, I kept my eyes open, timing the lightning to when I could get a good look at something. It is something Ragnar taught me. I hardly slept at all that night, I kept my eye on the door, hoping Hvitserk would come through it.


I woke up this morning to find that Kattegat had frozen over from the downpour. I rose from my bed and went straight to lighting a fire. I ran low on logs and went outside to fetch some more. As I gathered more logs, a distinctive groaning sound as if someone was in pain came from the other side of the log pile. Cautiously, I peered over to find a horrible sight that I shall never forget. Hvitserk sat frozen on the icy ground. He was barely alive. Dry blood covered his face, hands, and clothes.

"Hvitserk!" I said, breathlessly. I took his face into my hands, realizing they are cold as well, I blew my breath in them hoping if I applied my hands back to his face he would stir. His head laid restless in my hands and I knew if he stayed out here any longer- he would die. Using all my strength in my body to carry him, I brought him inside, stripped him of his clothes and brought him to the fire.

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