Chapter Nine: Season Three

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Once I made it through the passage, I began to run towards Bjorn’s camp. I ran swiftly, thinking someone was coming for me. I caught my breath a few times, but still pushed myself. I fell, but I got back up and continued to run. I was completely torn. I wanted to go back and I wanted to stand with Ivar, but I will be standing with a tyrant. I will be defending all that he stands for.

I rushed into the camp, and made my way to Bjorn and Lagertha’s tent. The tent was guarded by two men who sat on stumps. They held spears firmly in their hands. They did not stir as I approached them. They sat perfectly still. I stopped in front of them,

“I’m Sigrun, may I see Lagertha and Bjorn?” 

They glared at each other and then opened the tent flaps to me. 

I strolled inside to see everyone gathered around a table with maps. A dim candle was sitting in the middle of the table as it flickered to stay alive. Hvitserk looked up and his eyes widened. I sighed out of relief as he quickly came over to me to embrace me. He gripped me tightly in his arms and put his head between my neck and my shoulder. He let out a whimper as we swayed back and forth to keep our balance. He pulled me away as a look of relief came over him. 

He took my face in his hands, I noticed his cheeks were cracked and red, it alarmed me as my thumb ran across it. 

“Hvitserk…” I cried gently. 

“It’s nothing, don’t think about it,” he said. “Thora, is Thora safe?” He asked.

“She should be at her mother’s house.” Hvitserk nodded, a look of comfort washed over his face.

I looked over Hvitserk’s shoulder to see Lagertha and Bjorn. I bowed my head to them and I did not let it back up. 

“Forgive me, Son of Ragnar…” I said. Bjorn came over to me and lifted my chin with his hand. He looked different. He no longer had the long ponytail on the back of his head. Instead, he was completely bald. 

“There is nothing to forgive…” he said, “Queen of the Valkyries.” He smiled pleasantly at me. 

I looked over at Lagertha who simply nodded, her eyes were hardened with bitterness towards me. She still is angry with me for taking Ivar’s side.

“It is good to see you again!” She said, sternly. 

“You as well, true Queen of Kattegat.” 

She halfly smiled at me, it was pleasant enough to see, but I know now I’m not back to her good graciousness. I possibly will never be back in her good graciousness. 

“Are you here to help us fight with us against Ivar?” Asked Bjorn. I looked over at him. I looked over at Bjorn as Ivar’s sad eyes flashed in my head. My heart suddenly ached for him. I saw another side of Ivar tonight that no one has ever seen before. I bet not even Freydis saw that side of Ivar. My thoughts traveled to a scenario where Ivar was killed by a sword. His helpless body falling to the ground stirred my stomach, making me feel very sick. 

I kept my composure as I stood silently as Bjorn and Lagertha waited for an answer. 

“If you fight with us…” Lagertha said, “You are guaranteed your freedom.” I looked over at her with disbelief. 

“I know you’ve been longing to be a shield-maiden and to be one you need to be freed…” 

“If you can guarantee my freedom, I will stand with you!” I said. From behind, I felt Hvitserk’s hand intertwined with mine ever so gently. 

The tent flaps opened and Freydis came through in a hooded cloak. She removed the hood and looked around.

“Freydis…” Bjorn said. I turned around and bowed my head slightly to her. 

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