Chapter Eight: Season Two

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 The night before our raid: the entire town came to the Great Hall for a feast. While everyone was eating and drinking, I snuck off to the boats, and hid all of my armor behind a blanket. My heart pounded the entire time as I packed everything away. I kept checking my surroundings to make sure no one would see me. I hid my armor well under the blanket and made sure it wasn’t sticking out.

“What do you suppose you think you’re doing?” Lagertha said, walking onto the docks. I gasped fearfully.

“Lagertha, do not stop me from going,” I said, “I’m going to do this!” 

She smiled softly and approached me, “It is your right and destiny to fulfill, and Ubbe has no right even as your husband to hold you back.” 

“I’m grateful that you are revenging Ragnar…” “He loved you so much!” She began to whimper, “And you served him well!” I couldn’t help but to cry myself.

I embraced her as we cried together, “Make sure you come home to us!” 

“I will make sure you take care of mama!” I whimpered. I’m not afraid to ask Lagertha, the Queen of Kattegat this. 

“She will be well provided for as always!” She pulled me away and smiled gently. We started back to the Great Hall. 

Half way back, I stopped in front of The Seer’s hut, I turned to Lagertha and said, “Go back to the Great Hall, I will be there soon!”

Lagertha smiled and then nodded, she continued to walk back. Lagertha does not hover or mother me, instead, she trusts me. I cautiously walked inside The Seer’s hut. It’s still grim and dainty, as I remember as a child. I carefully walked inside until I saw a hermit sitting in the middle of the floor.

He moaned and whizzed gently. His hood covered most of his face, although I could still see some of his dried, wrinkled face. 

“Princess Sigrun…” 

I smirked to myself and sat down on the old pillow. “I have some good news to tell you from the Gods…” he said.

“I could use some good news!” 

“Ubbe is the one you were supposed to marry!” He said. 

“He’s not?” I asked, confused, “But his mother-”

“Aslang tortured you and fed your mind with false hope, she does not know the Gods like I do!” The Seer snapped.

“Forgive me.” “Whom am I supposed to marry?” I gasped surprisingly, “Sigurd?”

“Not yet.” 

Not yet was all he gave me before he chased me out of his hut. It’s clear now I wasn’t supposed to marry Ubbe even if Aslang said. He is right, Aslang does not know the Gods nor does she have a connection with them. She has played me and I’ll accept it, but what I won’t accept is that she played Ubbe and possibly her other sons. It angered me. She has set out her entire life to make sure Ubbe would look like a fool.


I was planning to tell Sigurd that I was going to sneak onto the boat, but Ivar’s ears are very good at catching everything. I feared he would go back to Ubbe. He is crazy enough to do that just to start trouble. Eventually, they will see me on the battlefield and by then it will be too late to send me home. Everyone was up early this morning, the air was crisp and cold. Ivar managed to get himself onto the boat by practically dragging himself. I watched closely without offering any help. I know that would hurt him. 

Margrette came from behind me and watched, “How do you not fear him?” She asked me.

“I do…” I said as a matter-of-fact.

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