Chapter Three: Season Six

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Chapter Three Season six

I rushed to Hvitserk’s house in the freezing rain. I opened the wooden door and went inside his home. Hvitserk was still in bed as it was still early in the morning. Although something was different about him. He looked very peaceful, he didn’t seem as if he was forcing himself to sleep. I cautiously walked over to his bed and sat down next to him. He startled awake, glancing over to his side, and then over to me. He seemed in shock.

“I was just with Idun…” He muttered. 

“Idun? I questioned. The Goddess of Immortality and renewal. She does not show herself to anyone unless they are extremely troubled. I looked over at Hvitserk and realized something that I already knew. Hvitserk was always troubled and Idun has always watched him. A twinge of jealousy plucked at my heart strings. Idun, visited Hvitserk and she has not passed me a glance during my troubled times. I pushed away my jealous heart and brought my attention back to Hvitserk.

“Was she-” I paused, “Everything the stories said she was?” 

Hvitserk chuckled, “And more.” I smiled. “I feel like a new man!” I widened my eyes and felt like a failure that I, at one point, could not make him feel like a new man.

 “Why have you come to me so early?” He asked.

“ While I was at the Great Hall last night, Ivar took a nasty spill at home, and he could not get himself up.” 

Hvitserk sat up in bed more, concern for his little brother swept over his face. Something I’ve never seen, at least for Ivar.

“Please come visit him, he wants his brother.” 


Hvitserk and I walked back to my home. Ivar was bed ridden for most of the morning. He hit the side of his face, leaving a harsh bruise. Other than that, Ivar is ok. Yet, it is a frightful realization that his legs are getting weaker and weaker. Hence, the great Ivar the Boneless is fading in my eyes. The great warlord and leader of the Heathen Army is weakening. That plics harder at my heartstrings more than Hvitserk being visited by Idun.

Hvitserk walked in front of me and towards Ivar’s bed. He sat down gently next to Ivar. Ivar then stirred slightly, opening his eyes to Hvitserk. He chuckled gently. 

“Where were you when I needed you the most?” 

“Probably doing what you were supposed to be doing last night,” Hvitserk said. “Are you in pain?” 

“Just a little,” Ivar muttered. “Nothing that I can’t handle.” 

“Yeah.” Hvitserk laid his head on Ivar’s chest. 

“I’m happy you’re here, brother,” Ivar said, patting his head. 

I came over by Ivar’s side and sat down next to him. “I’m sorry if I wasn’t there, my love,” I whimpered.

“Do not blame yourself for my clumsiness…” Ivar said, I pulled myself onto the bed and laid my head down on Ivar’s arm. Hvitserk remained on Ivar’s chest, seemingly dozing in and out of sleep. I know now, I’ve taught the boys well, that in the end they are all that they have.


Once Ivar was well enough to get out of bed, I took him for a walk to gain strength back. I’m hoping time away from the stuffiness of Kattegat will do him good. Ivar always liked the fresh air and he always loved the moshly plains. As we made our way through the town, I could tell Ivar was having a hard time keeping on his feet. He grunted and groaned with each step. He could not catch his breath and he was sweating. 

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