Chapter eight: Season one

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The first snow of the season has arrived. The mountains echo with the howling wind against the vast plains of baron trees. Their branches clank together and brush against each other. Animals have gone into hiding and crops have gone to sleep until the Spring. Bjorn left Kattegat sometime around the early fall. It was not long before Ivar’s incident. He was sailing across to the North to visit another Viking tribe. I never knew there were others like us. It was an exciting thought that there were other Vikings out there.

Aslang has me shoveling the snow this morning. The other day, I had to scrub the floors. Just last week I had to do her laundry. None of these jobs are mine. It is uncustom for a young thrall to be put through hard labor. I have not seen the boys in days and I worry for them. I’m not sure what she has done with them or what she has been telling them. I’m not even sure if they are alive. I was afraid to ask her about them.

After the strenuous job of shoveling snow, Aslang called me, and made me scrub the floor without rest. I tread carefully as I tried not to ruin my new winter dress my mother sewed for me. Aslang sat very quietly on the thorne watching me with utter victory. She did not blink. 

The horns summoned an arrival, causing Aslang and I to look up. A roar burst through as I dropped my scrubber and ran out. It was a joyous roar. I arrived at the gates to see Bjorn appear through the doors. He spotted me and got off his horse to hug me. We embraced each other. I stood on my toes to reach his neck to wrap my arms around. 

“It is so good to see you!” Bjorn exclaimed. His eyes glanced up and down at me. My dress was wet at the bottom and I had dirt in my fingernails and on my cheeks. Despite my appearance I smiled brightly at Bjorn as if I was wearing a gold dress. 

“Have you been playing in mud?” He asked, my smile quickly disappeared as I wiped the dirt from my face. I wanted to tell him how hard Aslang was working for me, but this was a joyous moment. 

“It’s just soot.” 

Bjorn has grown very handsome. I wish I could marry him instead of one of Aslaug's sons. Bjorn has piercing, deep blue eyes, silk blonde hair tied into a ponytail, and soft features. He sets my heart on fire, but he does not show the same affection back. We’ve been friends since childhood and that’s all he sees me as. 

We walked back to the Great Hall for Aslang to see him. The evil witch suddenly turns into a gracious Queen as she scurries to explain why I’m filthy. She became nervous as she tumbled over her words. 

“She was just playing with the boys…” she laughed nervously.

“She told me that she was handling the fire, and that it was covered with soot?” Bjorn said, folding his arms.

Aslang knew she was caught in a trap as I smiled viciously behind her. “Sigrun,” she called.

“Go get changed and join us for some mead.”

I scrambled home to change into another dress, I washed my face with oil scented water, and brushed my hair. Once I got back, the boys were finally let out of hiding as they rushed to hug me. Ivar crawled behind them, but I picked him up and embraced him. For a cold hearted boy, he surely has the warmest hugs. It is as if Aslang never mistreated me. I quickly glanced at them making sure they weren’t starved or hurt. I would gladly burn for them if Aslang ever touched them.

“I’m going to stay in Kattegat until the Spring…” Bjorn said. “The water is dangerous during the winter- so much ice-” he said.

Aslang smiled as I poured fresh mead for everyone, “You are always welcome into Kattegat, Bjorn!” 

I like this Aslang, yet it is an act, which is a let down. 

“Mama, I’m getting restless again!” Ivar cried. Aslang sighed and turned to me, “Sigrun, please take the boys to the pond.”

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