Chapter Four: Season Six

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Chapter five: Season six

It did not take much to convince King Harald about raiding again. It’s in a Viking to want to conquer land. Hvitserk was on board with the idea, but yet an army is not made up of simpily of four people. This is where Harald lacks in being King. Kattegat was once home to fierce warriors that were not afraid of anything. Now, she is home to merely peasants. King Harald has no army. He lacks an army. He lacks support from the people if he ever were to convince them to raid. That is where Ivar comes in.

I’m not sure where Ivar gets it from, maybe it’s part of his charming personality, but Ivar has a keen interest in convincing others to do things. It is almost manipulation. He has never used it on me as far as I’m concerned, but I’ve seen him charm people before. He sat among the people and pointed out his time in Wessex with his father, how Ragnar would be ashamed of the people, and how he does not want to die in a bed as an old man. 

Hvitserk leaned over to me, “His eyes have been growing blue…” He whispered. 

Blue? My heart suddenly dropped to my chest. Only today was Ivar able to walk with ease. The past few days he has been crawling because of how achy his legs have been. It is courageous how Ivar goes day by day, but yet, I wonder if this raid he wants to go on is because of our destiny or a suicidal attempt. The crowd of people cheered for Ivar the Boneless leaving King Harald slightly displeased. 

Ivar turned to me and noticed my troublesome expression. He approached me, 

“Sigrun, what is wrong?” He asked.

“Your eyes have been growing blue, Ivar…” I said.

Ivar touched his eyes gently and turned back to me, “They are not as blue as they used to be.” 

“You’ve been in a lot of pain as well.” 

“It’s something I have to live with, yes?” “What’s your point?”

“I fear you might want to raid to end it all, not for new lands…” I said, frightfully. 

Ivar sighed frustratingly, he shook his head, but overall he couldn’t help but to smile. “You have nothing to fear, my love…” Ivar said, his voice traveling to my ears like a smooth creek.

“I’m Ivar the Boneless, I will live forever…” “I’m the leader of the Great Heathen army.” 

I sighed, I know Ivar is trying to make me feel better, but that sense of doubt is still lingering in the back of my mind.

Ivar stretched out his hand and gently gilded it against my face. I glared up at him, “Do not threaten now, our destiny awaits us.” 

Once again, Kattegat was alive again with excitement and preparation. Many young Vikings began to pack for what will be their first voyage. Many elderly Vikings who fought alongside Ragnar and Bjorn have come to join us as well. Kattegat had a different attitude that flowed through the air. She became stronger, happier, and united. All because of Ivar’s words. Kattegat was truly alive.

King Harald escorted me onto the docks. He was amused and amazed by how Kattegat rose from her grave. He took my arm and interlocked his. I entertained the idea of being his little escort. After all, King Harald has always been a good and kind King, but his luck and popularity is horrible. 

“Ah!” King Harald exclaimed. “I’ve never seen Kattegat so active!” 

I chuckled, “Kattegat has always been alive with excitement when it comes to raiding!”

“You have a deep love for Kattegat. I can see it in your eyes, Queen of the Valkyries!” King Harald said, we stopped half way on the docks.

“Kattegat has always been my home, she always calls to me, and I will do anything to defend her,” I said.

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