Chapter One: Season One

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Chapter One: Season One

I'm Sigrun, I was named after the Queen of the Valkyries. The Valkyries are guardians that guide lost souls to Valhalla. I was born and raised as a thrall (slave) in the town of Kattegat. My mother has always told me I was destined for greatness. Think of it, me, a thrall, and a daughter of thralls as well to be destined for greatness. No one ever shunned the idea that my mother always proudly proclaimed. Although, sometimes, I never felt like a thrall. I went about my way, normally, like everyone else and I came and went out of Kattegat like everyone else. Nobody ever made me feel like I belonged to someone. I was always free.

Under Jarl Harldson, I never felt like a thrall. I was allowed to play freely around the LongHouse with other children. Unless my mother called me to help. One day, Jarl Harldson was replaced by another man from our town named: Ragnar Lothbrok. We knew him and the family. He had two children: Gyda and Bjorn. They are older than me. His wife, Lagertha, became head of household in the Longhouse and he became our Jarl. This made my mother nervous. Although Lagertha, who was kind and gentle, told us nothing will change and we can go about freely.

My mother loved Lagertha. She had great respect for her. One morning, while Gyda and Bjorn were still sleeping; My mother asked me to sweep the floor of the LongHouse. Lagertha was already up and she sat upon her throne watching me.

"Sigrun..." she called, gently. I looked up with my broom in hand.

She gestured for me to come over to her. She sat me on her lap and smiled gently. Her eyes sparkled blue like the ocean and cuddled me close. I felt safe within her arms.

"How are you this morning, young one?" She cooed.

"I'm well, Lagertha..."

"That is good...You grow with each passing moon, you'll be a great warrior someday."

"I would very much like to be a famous shield-maiden like you."

Lagertha smiled. "Are you hungry?" She asked.

"A little..."

Lagertha pulled a few grapes from the fruit dish and handed it over to me. She sat with me and sang while I ate. Lagertha allowed me to work as I pleased. She was more worried about me being a child. I can learn to sew with Gyda. I can learn how to brew mead when my fingers can't grip the handles of a barrel. I can be an adult as I grow.

Life was good and happy. I was very fortunate. Then, things began to take a turn for the worse. Since Ragnar becomes Jarl, he is compelled to voyage a lot; leaving Lagertha, Gyda, and Bjorn behind. A plague came over Kattegat, killing many. Including Gyda. My family and I were spared by it's wrath. It was hard to see death here with us in Kattegat on a daily basis.

When Ragnar returned to find Gyda had died, he was devastated. He is a family man and he loved his daughter deeply. Ragnar has said once before, fathers could never get jealous of their daughters. Only then did our happy content lives become consumed, entirely. Ragnar's troubles have already begun, but now they will consume him as well.

A female Seer came to our shores with her large belly carrying a small human inside. A Prince or Princess of Kattegat. Ragnar's son or daughter. He had dishonored his vows to Lagertha upon their grief for their daughter. She had a serpent's face, the smile of Hel, and piercing eyes that I never knew the color of. Her name was Aslang. She was a princess of a great King who had come to be by Ragnar's side.

At first, Lagertha tolerated it. She hated it. Her pride and her heart was hurt. With that, she left Kattegat with young Bjorn. She divorced a broken hearted Ragnar. He came back to Kattegat to be with his new wife. Now, we were Aslang's thralls. Everything has changed now.

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