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Sigrun became Queen of Kattegat and stayed true to her namesake-The Queen of the Valkyries. Sigrun became a just Queen, following in the footsteps of Ragnar Lothbrok and her husband, Ivar the Boneless. She ruled with honor and for the people. Her kingdom prospered and she became the greatest of all Vikings aside Ragnar and Ivar.
One of Sigrun's greatest achivements was signing a peace treaty with Alferd the Great. Kattegat became Wessex's biggest ally. This also allowed Sigrun to come and go to see Hvitserk. Sigrun and Hvitserk still have a strong bond, despite all odds. Hvitserk always remained loyal to Sigrun and goes with her to war if needed.
Another of Sigrun's achivements was being a wise and loving mother to her son, Baldr. Baldr was born on a cold, stormy winter night in the Great Hall. Baldr would become the legitmate heir to the throne of Kattegat. He carries on his grandfather's name and as well as his father. Sigrun always talks about the both of them so that her son will know the greatest of his family and that flows through his veins.
Baldr looks much like Ivar when he was younger. Baldr has piercing blue eyes and blonde hair, he is much like his father. He does not have Ivar's temper. He sits beside his mother in the Great Hall and learns how to be a good King.

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