Chapter One: Season six

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Chapter one: Season six

Ivar knew what he was doing when returning to Kattegat. It was a startling surprise to see him taking to a more settled life. It is a life I’ve always wanted with him and he granted it to me. Everyday is not nearly the same. I rise from my bed, dress, and then tend to the little stock we have. Although, in between the busy mornings, I always stop and give Ivar a kiss which would stir him to smile gently against the morning sun. 

Once I’m done tending to livestock, I come back inside, and Ivar is already awake and eating his breakfast. I smiled contentedly as I wiped my hands on my towel. I came over and placed a kiss on top of his forehead, he smiled brightly. I must admit, Ivar was right, coming back to Kattegat was a good idea. We have a good life here together, King Harald rules Kattegat well to our liking. Hvitserk seems to be settling nicely. He visits once in a while. 

I made my own breakfast and sat back down with Ivar. “Happy to be home?” I asked brightly.

“No place like home…” Ivar forceablily said, looking up from his food. Although he seems content, I know Ivar is troubled by something. I wait patiently everyday for him to come forward to talk about it, and maybe even resolve it. 

“No ideas of raiding or traveling?” I asked.

“None at the moment,” Ivar said, bobbing his head. Ivar was never the settled type and I worry he has taken on this life to make me better. He is still as wild as the day he began to crawl. 

“Tonight King Harald has invited us to feast at the Great Hall…” 

“Oh lovely…” I said sarcastically, knowing I would have to see the witch Ingrid sit on the throne looking down on me.

“You are not looking forward to going?” Ivar questioned.

I looked up and hesitated to truthfully answer Ivar, he leaned in slightly, wanting to hear my answer. I put my head down hoping to stir the conversation.

“Sigrun…” my head pop up from my bowl. “Please speak freely with me…” Ivar gently said. “You can speak freely.” 

“I do not wish to go…” I said.

“But you know we have to go, I’m still the Prince…” 

“What am I?” I asked. Ivar looked up at me, searching for an answer himself. What am I? I’m no one’s thrall, but yet I’m still a thrall. I’m not a Queen nor a Princess, not even a shield-maiden. I’m just merely Sigrun. 

“A Princess of Kattegat…” Ivar answered. I chuckled softly, a small smile appearing across my face. 

“If anyone questions, they will answer to me…” Ivar said. I nodded and gladly accepted the title: Princess of Kattegat.


I must admit the feast at the Great Hall with King Harald was light-hearted and fun. Everyone was drinking and having a good time together. We sat at the table with King Harald and Ingrid. I sat on King Harald’s side, while Hvitserk was next to me, and Ivar was on the other side near Ingrid. The people in front of us were our source of entertainment. We had very little to say to King Harald. 

“Sigrun!” A young shield-miaden said, approaching me. She had a lively, bright smile. Her eyes were wide and blue and all around I could sense enthusiasm. A trait not many shield-maiden's possess. 

“Well, hello…” I said, cheerfully. “Is it really true that you lived in a big palace in Kiev?” She asked.

“Yes,” I giggled. 

“Is it true you fought against Bjorn and his army, on your own free-will?” 

“Yes, I made that decision on my own!” I said.

“You did all that under restraint?” “It is fascinating!” 

I did not realize despite my status, how famous my name has become, and how my achievements have inspired others. A group of shield-maidens gathered around me and began to ask me questions about my adventures in Kiev. I was overwhelmed by the attention. I turned to Ivar who raised his glass to me, a wide smile overpowered his face. It brings him joy to see me happy. He beamed with pride. 

“Prince Ivar…” an elderly man called. He had a white beard and white hair. Clearly drunk. He approached us and laid his hands on the table. 

“The God himself!” I closed my eyes to myself, feeling the man is trying to feed Ivar’s ego. 

“Yes?” Ivar said. I opened my eyes, darting them over to Ivar. Ivar don’t do this. 

“If you’re a God…” the drunk said, “Stand without your crutch…” 

“No…” I muttered leaning over. King Harald gently pushed me back into my chair.

Ivar smiled as he stood up. He walked out in front of the group of still, quiet people. He looked up and tossed his crutch to the floor. 

Ivar was able to stand on his own for a minute or two before falling face first completely to the ground! It startled me as I stood from my seat. Hvitserk grabbed my arm, comforting me. He knows his brother and his silly antics, but Ivar is my love, my reason of being alive now. His little antics are not just antics, Ivar is mortal and not well by all means. I lose him, I lose everything. 

People began to cheer and yell for the Prince- God of Kattegat. Ivar single-handedly proved to the people of his abilities to be a God. He glanced up at the people and smiled. Restoring the faith of the people has brought him much joy. I sighed out of relief and sat back down in my chair. I began to pick at the large pig in front of me, chewing at the browned, honey glazed skin. 

“Sigrun?” Ingrid asked. “You’re not speaking to me?”

“I believe there is not much to say…” I said, coldly. 

“I believe you are envious of me…” Ingrid said. A sly smile appeared across her face. She is trying to get under my skin. 

“Me? A shield-maiden, envious of the Queen of Kattegat?” I scoffed. 

“Exactly, I see you are envious of me because I’m the Queen of Kattegat…” Ingrid said. Ingrid sees right through me and there was no hiding it. 

I put my head down in shame. “Shame for a famous shield-maiden to envy a thrall.” 

“Yes!” I snapped. “You are a thrall, much like Aslang, she slept her way to the top.” “It is a shame, Kattegat cannot get a true Queen that truly loves her!” 

Ingrid’s lips trembled at the strong words coming from my mouth, “The Gods predicted, one day a woman would rule Kattegat…” 

“Someday a woman will rule Kattegat!” I growled, fiercely.

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