Chapter Five: Season Two

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The city is alive with blood-thirst revenge for Ragnar. It is an exciting time, but it’s also a time of great sorrow. One of the most famous men of our time is dead. He has left behind five amazing sons to carry on his legacy. Although, they are his sons and they feel the loss of their father greatly. Especially Ivar. Growing up, he used to sneak out of bed and would go sit on his father’s throne and have conversations with him. Going to England with Ragnar will always be a special time for Ivar. For while his father was alive. 

The most vivid memory of Ragnar that I have is the last time I saw him. I could still see his face hovering over mine. I could still see the loneliness and tears in his eyes; broken. The last words he said to me was to take care of his sons. An overwhelming feeling of guilt came over me as I thought about it. I hope I made him proud. 

Tears fell down my face and onto my hands as I weaved my wedding crown. I sat at the bench in the Great Hall. It was a quiet early morning. Ivar sat in a comfortable chair by the fire drinking some unfermented mead. He seemed content, although I knew there was a lot on his mind. Hvitserk was out with Margrette, and my darling Sigurd was in the meadow. I know in a few minutes I would need to drop what I’m doing to go meet him. 

“There is my beautiful bride!” Ubbe cried out, sitting beside me. He put his arm gently around me and pulled me to kiss my cheek. I smiled, looking over at him.

“I’m just weaving the crown.”

“Against you, it’s beauty is frail,” Ubbe commented. I thought about how Ubbe’s love is opposed to Sigurd’s love. Ubbe’s love is forced and it sounds planned out. Sigurd’s love flows beautifully and it leaves me almost sinking into a spell that makes me run back for more. 

My life has been set in stone since I was a little girl. I’m destined to marry Ubbe even if I don’t like it. The idea of it spirals me into sadness and only one person could bring me out of that sadness.

I nodded to myself and causally got up and turned to my little box behind me. “Are you planning to do the annual wedding race?” I asked Ubbe.

“All of my brothers want to race against me for you!” 

I chuckled, “I’m not surprised!” “How about you, Ivar?” I called over.

“Well, I think I would sit on the sidelines and just watch my brothers make utter fools of themselves.” 

I took a blanket and went over to Ivar and placed it over him, “As if they aren’t fools already!” I winked at him, making Ivar smile.

I grabbed my cloak and wrapped it around me, and then grabbed my basket. “I’m going to pick wild berries and then I’m heading up to Odin’s temple...” 

“I’ll be gone for most of the afternoon,” I lied.

“I’ll take Ivar and Hvitserk hunting up the mountains,” Ubbe said. “Sigurd is somewhere, I’ll just leave him be.” Perfect. “We need fresh meat for the bountiful feast we’ll have on our marriage night!” 

I turned to Ubbe and placed a small, worthless kiss on Ubbe’s lips. He looked up at me adoringly. 

My heart pounded the entire time I walked casually out of Kattegat. I feared everyone knew where I was going, but I knew that they didn’t know. I was nothing but a ghost to them. Once I reached the banks of the water, I wanted to drop my basket, but I couldn’t leave it behind. Although, once I got into Freya’s Meadow, I dropped the basket and ripped off my cloak and began to run to the middle. I knew Sigurd would be waiting for me there.

“Ah!” Sigurd popped out from behind the tree and grabbed me from behind. He surprised me a little bit. I turned to see him brightly smiling at me. His eyes glittered with excitement and pure happiness. I’ve never seen him so happy. 

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