Chapter Seven: Season One

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Chapter Seven: Season One

Since my little spekctal with Aslang and the flowers, Aslang and I have been civil. We found a mutual understanding and she has found a new profound respect for me. She has started me a ‘young lady,’ and announced I’m nearly a ‘grown woman.’ I have surpassed many girls my age. It was cute how she doted on me, but at the same time it was pathetic. 

The boys went hiking in the woods, leaving Ivar behind. I spent the day with Ivar and Aslang together. Today, Ivar is playing with a group of small boys. The same boys as from before. The sun is actually warmer today. It is warm enough for Aslang and I to hang some clothes outside. Floki was kind enough to accompany us today. He stood and watched Ivar with pride. He loves Ivar as much as I do.

Although, Ivar is being left out of the game a lot. Floki has numerous times handed the ball to Ivar to toss again to the boys. I watched closely as little Ivar was disappointed. Aslang purposely avoided looking over at Ivar.

Aslang gently tapped me on the shoulder and handed me a basket of small fruits to pass along to the maiden next to me. As I passed the basket, I did not stop watching Ivar.

Ivar put his head down and began to get frustrated. I stopped what I was doing and looked at the other boys. They laughed towards Ivar’s way and some even stuck their tongues at him. I placed the laundry down past Floki. I then took the ball from the other boys and began to scold them.

“That is Ivar the Boneless! He will be your King! Stop purposely not involving him!” I then handed the ball to Ivar.

“Give him the ball!” I said, shoving the ball in the boys’ hand. “I’m tired of coming out here!” 

I looked over at Aslang who only simply nodded at me with a smile. 

I went back over to my laundry, but Floki commented, “Finding a little sentimental bond with the cripple boy?” Floki is our wood carver. He has built our fleet of boats for Ragnar. He is a creepy fellow, but my mother has said he is harmless. He knows Ragnar favored me, and thus I’m in Floki’s favor. Also, Helga, his wife and my mother are good friends.

“He will be your King one day,” I said, in a matter-of-fact tone.

I continued to fold laundry with Aslang, she leaned over and said, “That is telling him.” We giggled together. It was a genuine moment with the Queen. A sudden bone chilling scream came from the boys. We quickly turned to see Ivar screaming. A boy laid lifeless on the floor with Ivar’s axe in his skull. 

Aslang and I ran to Ivar. I got to Ivar first and curled him under my arms. “Shh, shh…” 

“My sweet…” I whispered. “It’s alright. It’s alright.” My hands gripped his hair as I walked away.

“I killed him, I killed him,” Ivar’s shaky voice came.

“No,” I said, wiping his dirty face.

“Sigrun!” Aslang called. She stood at the foot of the boys’ body. Blood poured from his head indicating his death. She looked at me insulted. Her hands gestured down to the little boy. Expecting me to take care of him instead.

“I need to get Ivar out of here, my Queen!” I called. I then turned and went back to the Great Hall. I only made it half way when Ivar began to slip from my arms. 

Ivar began to cry in my chest. “I didn’t mean too, Sigrun!” “I swear I didn’t mean too!” 

“Shh, shh,” I sat Ivar on the bench and wiped his tears.

“I know, my love,” I whispered. “Listen to my voice, I know you didn’t mean too.” Ivar’s eyes wilted with tears. My thumb was there to catch every one.

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