Chapter Four: Season Five

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Chapter four: Season five

I remember waking up early this morning, my eyes glancing about the little corner of my room, and rising from my bed. I remember the breakfast consisting of warm, sliced bread and hot oats. Dressing myself of my armor, braiding my hair up, painting my face, and placing my boots on. I remember waking the boys (including Igor) from their slumber. The last memory I have is boarding the boats and setting sail for the banks of Norway. Today was the day of the raid, and boarding the boat after that, I don’t remember anything else except how my heart beated rapidly within my chest.

The Rus boats were not what I’m used to. They were not like most traditional long boats. They were blackened and powered by the ocean on a wheel. They were small, but yet held a lot of men. Oleg, Igor, Ivar, Hvitserk, and myself were gathered on one boat. 

“Tell me, Sigrun-” Oleg said, climbing the stairs. “Would you die for your Prince?” 

“If it is Ivar and Hvitserk, just as I lived for them, I will die for them,” I said, proudly.

“No, no-” he chuckled, “silly girl…”

“Would you die for your Prince?” He came close to me, and leaned in, “Would you die for me?” 

I giggled, “The only Prince I recognize are those two over there…” 

Oleg became enraged as he growled within his chest, Ivar and Hvitserk chuckled behind him.

“Don’t worry, dear Oleg, the Valkyries will come for me soon.” I walked over to Ivar and took his arm and wrapped it around me. I liked the idea for once I have the upper hand.

Upon the horizon, I saw a faded gray line with curves and bumps along the top. I sighed to myself and suddenly my breathing stopped. My body trembled with an unbearable ache to turn around. I felt I could not do this. Yet, the boat stayed its course, going slower and slower as we reached the banks. It was Norway. There would be no doubt Bjorn would have her completely defended, but Ivar is a better stradigest then him.

I gripped Ivar’s arm that was lovingly wrapped around my chest, Ivar noticed my uneasiness and placed a gentle kiss on my temple. I had no need to worry, but I worried greatly. I worried for myself, Ivar and Hvitserk and the young Prince who was forced to come with us. The gray line became more visible. Loud thuds echoed from the banks. The sound could be passed for drums, but they weren’t. They were shields. 

I wanted to cry out in fear, but a lump within my throat stole my voice. Ivar gripped me tighter as he felt my uneasiness become stronger and stronger. He leaned over and began to whisper in my ear,

“My mother told me, somebody I would buy,

Gully with good ores and sails to distant shores,

Stand up high on the prowl…”

“Noble barge I stir…” Hvitserk chimed in, he suddenly removed his sword as the sand banks became clearly visible. 

“Steady course to the haven…” Ivar whispered.

Hew many foe men...

The door of the barge opened as soldiers began to furiously run out and onto the banks. Ivar and Hvitserk stayed behind along with me. Although, I could tell they enjoyed the fighting as they eagerly waited. As I watched, I realized, there was nothing to fear. I released Ivar’s arm and slowly descended down the steps and closer to the banks. Arrows began to fly over our heads. I picked up my shield and covered my head. I took up my sword and held it tightly in my hands. 

Gunnhild began to run up onto the opening door of the boat. Her eyes seemed looking up instead of straight ahead. I turned to see her target was Ivar who did not seem to notice her as he was busy defending himself. My defensive instinct overcame me asI realized she was coming to kill Ivar. I held my sword up and stopped her by knocking her over. She sat on her elbows and looked up to see me. 

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