Chapter Five: Season Six

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Chapter five: Season six

Days before our take off to Wessex, Ivar struggled to walk without pain. He also struggled hiding it from me. Ivar was never very good at hiding his pain, yet I amused by the idea for the sake of not scaring Ivar. I got up early this morning and went to harvest the last of our crops. I feel we will not be returning to Kattegat and I do not want the food going to waste. I know Freyja would not be happy with that idea. I went back inside to find Ivar rising from the bed. I hid behind the door and watched him carefully.

Ivar looked down at his legs carefully and shook his head. He lifted the cuffs of his pants to examine them. They were horribly bruised and bleeding. He then placed them back down. He took his crutch and tried to get up from the edge of the bed. His legs began to shake, he scoffed, sitting back down. It broke my heart to see him suffer. He does not deserve to suffer. A single tear fell from my face as I tried not to whimper. 

I cleared my throat, wiped my tears away, and walked inside. I put on a smile to the best of my abilities and I said, 

“Good morning, my love!” Ivar’s face lightened greatly, he smiled, and his eyes glittered. I couldn’t help but to giggle.

“My strength when I’m weak!” Ivar weakly said.

“Ivar, you say such sweet things!” I placed a kiss on Ivar’s forehead. Ivar then got up without a problem. 


Ivar did not have a problem walking for the rest of the day. It relieved me greatly and I was able to enjoy our departure from Kattegat and onto the open sea. I would like to imagine Wessex as wide grassy plains with fresh water springs and beautiful wild flowers everywhere. I would not like to think of it as Ivar described it. I climbed onto the peak of Journmund’s head on the boat and allowed the winds to hit my face. I felt like I was flying against the ocean itself. It was refreshing and I felt free. I wasn’t a thrall going on this raid, I was a free woman.

We were at sea for two days before we found a dark horizon that swirled up and down the sky and sea. Ivar informed me that it is Wessex. It was nothing that I pictured it, unfortunately it was everything Ivar described it, but I will make due with this new land. I jumped off the boat and landed on the sandy beaches. The waves crashed in between my legs. 

From the corner of my eye, I saw a group of soilders hastingly approaching me. 

“Sigrun!” Ivar called fearfully. He rushed to get off the boat, but without hesitation, I withdrew my swords and began my attack. Blood spattered against my face, there were five of them. One grabbed me from behind my back but their hand was close enough to my mouth to bite. Once they released me, I cut his throat, ending his miserable, pathetic life. I allowed myself to breathe as my chest heaved up and down from excitement.

I glared up to see Ivar standing along with the other men in amusement. I smiled at him as I wiped my sword of the blood and went back to the boat. I climbed aboard as everyone stared at me. Ivar stood towards the edge hanging on the ledge. I sighed deeply. Hvitserk came by Ivar’s side and smiled brightly, crossing his arms, and leaning against the boat.

“Now-” Hvitserk laughed, “Where did that come from?” 

“That felt good!” I said.

Ivar approached me, he outstretched his hand, and touched my blood stained cheek. He chuckled. “One of the bravest Valkyries that has ever graced our world.” I smiled at him. 

“I fought without permission…” I said.

“You fought like a true warrior!” Ivar said. His thumb wiped some blood away from my eye. “You did what you had to do!” 


We got as far as deep into the forest where we settled by a bay. We set up camp and began to make supper and prepare for the morning light. While Ivar was discussing battle plans, I went to take laundry to be washed by a small creek. I kneeled down and took the soap out and began washing clothes. It was mainly Ivar’s shirts, he always wears the same shirt twice, and he never bothers to wash it.

Ivar stumbled towards me and said, “What are you doing?” 

I looked up and chuckled at him, “I’m doing our clothes, Ivar!” I turned back to the water. 

“I do not like you doing our laundry, especially my clothes, I’m perfectly capable of washing my clothes!” He hissed. “It makes you look like a thrall!” 

“Ivar, I do not mind at all,” I said, looking back up at him, “I do not not feel like a thrall washing your clothes, I feel more of your wife then anything.” 

I see how Ivar highly respects my idea of my freedom, but my freedom, to me, means I can choose to do the laundry or not. I choose to jump from the boat today and fight off all those Saxons myself and as long as Ivar is the leader of the army, and he has the respect of the people, my freedom is pretty much grounded. No one can command me or pretend to own me.

Ivar took a step close to me, “You consider me your husband?” He asked gently. 

“Of course I do-” I realized now, we never actually discussed marriage, and the last time we did, I rejected Ivar.

“Ivar, nothing would make me happier to take your name, being the daughter-in-law of Ragnar Lothbrok would be such a blessing!” I said. 

“I love you…” I added.

“Sometimes…” Ivar began to say, “I don’t feel like I love you enough, I find it hard to show you how much I love you…” he gulped nervously. “It’s because I was never loved.” 

“Ivar, you were loved…” I said, softly. “You’re still loved!” “And I know you love me!” I hesitated slightly, but then I pulled Ivar in and rested my head on his shoulder. Ivar dropped his crutch and wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me in tightly as he struggled to maintain his balance. I smiled contentedly to myself.

The only time I’m in Ivar’s arms is when we lay in bed together. In those times, and even now, I cherish it because I feel loved and protected. I never want it to end. I know Ivar can’t show his affections to me directly in public in order to maintain his warlord image, but right now, we are in a secluded area. No one can see us. Ivar likes our love life private, and I respect how he respects us. 

Ivar swayed slightly side to side, rocking me in his arms. His head was nuzzled in the crop of my neck, his nose was nestled, causing his breathing to become labored. His body leaned in slightly, making his weight drop onto me. Ivar was heavy, nearly impossible to carry despite his boney legs. Yet, I used all my strength to hold Ivar. He turned his head to one side, laying his head completely on my shoulder. He watched the creek as it rushed against the rocks. 

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