Chapter Tweleve: Season Six

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Chapter Tweleve: Season six

After Ivar's funeral and within the month, I was ready to go back home. I wasn't sure why I wanted to go back to Kattegat, it was as if my destiny was bringing me there. Something was calling me to the land that has given me much. It was a feeling I could not share with now Hvitserk who is a Christian.

Hvitserk helped me prepare my horse and some provisions. He has packed me some freshly scented water. I have been feeling very sick as of lately, particular in the mornings and it has slowed me greatly into returning home.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked Hvitserk.

He smiled, "yes?"

"It feels strange being free, I don't feel any different, as if I was already free and I never knew."

Hvitserk chuckled, gliding his hand across my face, "Silly woman, you were free all this time and you never realized it until now!"

I stood still for a moment, taking in all of Hvitserk's features. The wind wisp past my face causing my hair to fly. I studied his eyes, his cheeks, his lips, and his hair. I wanted to engrave him inside my head and hold onto the image as much as I could. Hvitserk stood perfectly still as well, taking in my image too.

"I guess this is it..." I said, my voice breaking.

"It's not a goodbye..." Hvitserk horsley said, taking my hand into his. "I will see you again." Our fingers twiddled together, feeling the tension radiate off him. I then pulled him to me and laid my head on his shoulder.

"I love you!" I breathlessly said. Hvitserk wrapped his arms around me and nestled his head on my shoulder.

"I love you more!" We stood in each other's arms for what seemed like a lifetime. Our heartbeats were intertwined together and sung sweetly. A single tear rolled down my face as I began to remember all the sweet memories I have with Hvitserk.

From the moment he was born and I held him in my arms, to the moments where he was just a bottomless pit, and when we swam and fished together. The memories of us lying in bed together when we needed each other the most even crossed my mind, putting a smile on my face. Don't let go of me, Hvitserk because I will never let go of you.


The trip back to Norway was long and tedious. I became sicker and sicker each passing morning until one day I stopped getting sick. Although, half way through my trip, I became extremely fatigued. It was nearly impossible to get my chores done. While tending to the boat, I had to stop and sigh, I suddenly became dizzy and nausea again, as I slowly sunk to the floor.

I could not understand why I felt so sick and why I felt sick. As I leaned over, a cramp stopped me from moving. I looked down at my belly and noticed I had grown a small puge. A swimming sensation has filled me up causing me to feel giddy. I caressed my hand against it- gasp. It's impossible. I'm with child. It's Ivar's child. Our child.

I became overwhelmed with joy as I let out a small laugh of excitement. I picked my head up to the sky as the sun began to peak from behind the clouds. Ivar, are you seeing this? I'm with your child. At that moment, I knew right there that I was Queen of Kattegat. I'm carrying an heir to the throne- a true legitimate heir of Ivar the Boneless and Ragnar Lothbrok. I'm married to Ivar the Boneless even in his death. He is a Prince of Kattegat and nothing could take that away from him, he was once a King of Kattegat, and no one disregarded it. I'm no longer a thrall and I can easily (easily) claim the throne.

I slowly got up and made the sails favor the wind rowing me faster to Kattegat. My heart pounded the entire time as millions of thoughts raced through my head. How am I going to raise this baby by myself? Is it a boy or a girl? How am I going to rule Kattegat as Queen? Will I be a good Queen? The more I thought about it the more overwhelming it became for me. I would have to take one step at a time and have Ragnar guide me. I cannot let doubt cloud my mind anymore.


"We should be so envious of the Gods that they are in the prences of brave men!" Ingrid announced through the Great Hall. I stormed in without an army behind me, but wore my finest shield-maiden clothing and wore the crown of Aslang. My hair was styled just like Lagertha and I wore dark charcoal under my eyes- That represents my mother. All are great women.

"Ingrid it is foolish to envy the Gods, you know they have more power than us!" I stopped in front of her, glaring down at her. People chatted among themselves at how I survived the raid and how I look more like a Queen for sure then Ingrid. I already had the people of Kattegat on my side. Ingrid examined me as her expression turned horrified.

She calmed her expression and quickly poised herself. "Sigrun, it is a relief to see you!"

I chuckled, "You don't seem relieved, no matter!" I straightened myself up and walked over to the throne that once belonged to Jarl Haraldson, Ragnar, Bjorn, Aslang, Lagertha, and Ivar.

"What do you think you are doing?" Ingrid exclaimed, "Get away from here!" She slapped my wrist. I kept myself calm as she just hit the true Queen of Kattegat, but she doesn't know that yet.

"Ingrid," I laughed, "I'm taking my throne!"

"You cannot have the throne because you are a thrall!"

"Silly girl, you have heard Harald and Ivar have died, but you happen to miss that Ivar has set me free and-" I removed my fur cloak to reveal my semi- plump belly. I crowd of people gasped. Some looked shocked and others looked happy.

"Ivar's child grows within me..." I gently said, feeling Ivar's strength flow through me.

"Impossible, all of it!" Ingrid mumbled.

"I'm carrying the legitimate heir of Ragnar Lothbrok- his grandchild-" I called out. I then turned to Ingrid, "The son or daughter of Ivar the Boneless!" "While you Ingrid carry the child of King Harald, The King of Whales!" The crowd laughed.

Ingrid suddenly became very unsettled. Her lips trembled uncontrollably and her heart raced in her throat.

"And as far as I'm concerned Ingrid-" I sighed through my teeth, "I have been pregnant for nearly a month and you have been by far pregnant and-" I gestured to our bumps. She turned ever slightly to the group standing before us as they looked upon Ingrid with anger and disgust.

"It is time for a true Queen to rule Kattegat!" I announced proudly. The crowd chatted in agreement.

"Too long have we been misguided, mistreated, and misled!" The crowd chanted louder.

Ingrid turned to me, her body shaking, and her eyes widened, "I want what I deserve!" I muttered.

Swiftly, I removed my knife and plunged it into Ingrid's belly. A very dishonorable way of dying for a Viking, but she was never Viking, and hardly human. She fell to the ground, leaving the throne vacated for me to take. I turned to it and saw all the past Jarls, Kings, and Queens who once sat here. They all smiled with pride, gesturing to me to come and sit at my rightful spot. I turned and sat down.

The Great Hall erupted in cheers and chants. I promise my people I will rule them well and I will restore Kattegat to her former glory. May no evil look over us and may the Gods smile down upon their loyal Pagans. I have just become the Queen of Kattegat.

"All hail the Queen of the Valkyries!"

"All hail the Queen of the Valkyries!"

I sat and smiled pleasantly to myself as I took on my namesake. I'm Sigrun, thrall, once, to the Great Ragnar Lothbrok and I just became Queen of Kattegat. Victory.

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