Chapter One: Season Two

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The entire town and possibly people from around has flocked to the Great Hall. There was not one tear around, just happy faces. Vikings do not mourn the dead, we celebrate their life, and that is what everyone was doing: Celebrating the life of Ragnar. I was still very hesitant and I wanted to turn and head back out. I knew I had to press forward with my head held high.

A familiar, angelic face appeared in front of me with a gentle smile across her lips. 

“My dear Valkyrie…” 

“Lagertha!” I cried, leaning into her arms for a hug. 

“You are finally home!” She said, warmly. She pulled me away, “Look how much you’ve grown!”

"Lagertha, it is good to be home again!” I said. 

A large man approached me and right away I gasped at his remarkable change. “Bjorn!” 

He smiled gently, he looked upon me with mystery. “Hello Queen of the Valkyries!” He said.

“Her mother was wise to name her that!” Lagertha said.

“I suppose you would want to see the boys…” Bjorn said.

“I fear the shock will kill me!” I said, nervously. “I never let your name escape their thoughts, as promised!” Bjorn said. 

I nodded as Bjorn led me over to the table with now four grown boys in front of me. I became weak at my knees as I looked upon them in an entire new body.

Ubbe was the splitting image of his father. He had soft features and dark blue eyes. Short hair in the front and long hair in the back and a wide smile much like his mother’s. That is the only thing he has of her. 

Hvitserk was devilishly handsome. He had dark, mysterious features, a clever smile and long blonde hair tied in the back. He grew out of his red hair and into features of his mother. Sigurd grew to have long blonde, curly hair and lighter features. I’m not sure who he would take after, but still he had a wide, diveant smile. He still looked very innocent. 

Lastly, Little Ivar. He has grown into his legs and is just as handsome as his brothers. He had short, dark hair, blue eyes (like his mother and father). A snake-like smile, like his mother. His expression told the story of his personality. He raised the cup to his curved lips as he laughed. His eyes burned like wild fire and he laughed like a wild beast. He was unhinged and completely untamed.
Without a doubt, the boys grew up to be very handsome. All of them have a charm to themselves. Yet all of them had the charm of Princes.

“Boys…” Bjorn said, “I have a visitor for you!” Bjorn wrapped his arm around me.

They turned my way and their expressions changed simultaneously. They were glad and happy and now they are shocked and overwhelmed. I gulped as the noises around me faded out and I could hear my heartbeat.

Sigurd seemed to have tears in his eyes that were ready to fall, my natural instincts flooded as I gracely went over to him to wipe his tears away. 

“Sigrun?” He mumbled.

“Shh,” I cooed, “It’s me.” I placed a small kiss on top of his head. He trembled gently, indicating his sensitivity still. 

I then moved onto Hvitserk, he seemed intimidated and almost in shock. 

“My Hvitserk…” I whispered, pulling him in for a hug. I then turned to Ubbe who sat in shock,

“Sigrun?” His cracked voice came. 

“Hello, once husband…” He stared down at me. 

Ivar sat by himself. I saved him for last. I stood in front of him with my hands in front of me.

“Prince Ivar..”

His eyes welled with tears as well. I placed a soft kiss on top of his head.

I took a step back and glanced around, “Where is your mother?” I asked.

Ivar’s calm and gentle expression quickly disappeared, “Mother is dead.” 


“She was murdered…” Ubbe said.

“Murdered?” “By who?” 

Ubbe glanced over to Bjorn and Lagertha. Lagertha was in a deep and pleasant conversation with someone while Bjorn started on with innocent anticipation. I put the pieces together and realized Lagertha did the unimaginable and killed the Queen of Kattegat. Yet, I did not feel any sympathy for the Brat Queen, for anything I was glad. How cold of me.
I looked back over to the boys, Ivar and Ubbe held their heads down, mourning the fact their mother is no longer on Earth. Hvitserk and Sigurd did not seem phased.
I bowed my head, “Princes…” I left them in rather shock. It was embarrassing and awkward and I chose to ignore them the entire night.

I did enjoy myself as I talked with old neighbors and took in the praise of my success. It turned out to be a night about me rather than Ragnar. Although, I held Ragnar’s name heavily on my lips. Ubbe emerged from the crowd and stood next to me. He is only slightly taller than me. 

He put a cup to his lips and then leaned over to me. “Why are you avoiding us?” His voice was rough and very gruff. Like nails on sandpaper. 

“You have other guests, I’m not the only one,” I said.

“You left us when we were small boys, the least you can do is still with us, for Sigurd’s sake!” Ubbe said. “I demand you!”

“I’m not a servant anymore Ubbe Lothbrok!” I snapped.

“When you left you were still a servant!” 

“Your mother banished me, hence freeing me of my responsibilities,” I said. 

“You still have a lot of nerve showing up, you left us with nothing!” Ubbe hissed. 

“I’m here now, I wasn’t going to come in fear of your wrath…” I said, looking over at Ubbe. I can understand he is upset with me.

“My brothers and I are planning to avenge our father,” he said. 

“So I’ve heard…” I picked my head up. “As well as you should.”

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