Chapter Eight: Season Five

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Chapter eight: Season five

Ivar’s P.O.V

I stood in the middle of the room like a sap in complete shock that Sigrun rejected my proposal. I began to question everything at hand. Does she really love me? Is she power hungry? Or maybe is she just scared...of me...a cripple? I never doubted her unconditional love towards me and she has never hinted a moment that she did not love me. Sigrun is an independent woman. She has always been independent. She can easily gain her own power despite all the odds. I glanced down at my wobbly legs as I held onto the chair. For a moment my self confidence (or what little I had) left me and I felt insecure about myself.

Leave it to a woman to have the power to make a man feel so bad about himself without even trying. I blew air from my nose and became cross with her. Yet, it was too tiring to be cross with the woman I love with such deep passion. I must admit, I did not plan to ask her to marry me right here. Marriage is far from my mind right now and I bet far from hers. She has been through so much with my family. I can understand why- even- she is hesitant. Sigrun is constantly fighting for her rights, she has just exercised one of them, and rejected me. If I love her, I would respect her decision, but also make it known my offer is always open. 

I went to grab my crotch and stumbled to Hvitserk’s room. We have not been speaking to each other, and if we do, we are constantly arguing. Sigrun does not like when we argue, and I’m always trying to be the better person like she expects and be civil with Hvitserk. Yet, it is hard to be civil with a loser. I stopped by his door which was cracked open slightly and pushed it. He sat with his back to me and perfectly still. I cautiously walked in.

“Hvitserk?” I said. I came face to face with him, yet he was not present with me. His eyes fluttered and he shifted back and forth in his chair; gently. I became disgusted with him. He drugged himself. 

“Hvitserk, if Sigrun ever caught you doing this-” I growled. My threat did not even scare him. I then slapped him across the face as he woke from his trans. He stood up and scanned the room vigorously. 

He then turned to me and his eyes squinted with anger, “Why did you do that?” 

“What if Sigrun came in and saw you doing this?” I said. “Are you trying to break her?” 

Hvitserk’s eyes widened. He tossed the table aside and viciously approached me. For a moment, I thought he was going to kill me. He came close to my face and growled.

“I could kill you if I want…” “For what you have put us through…” 

“If I did put you two through anything…” I said, keeping my fear in the pit of my stomach. “I’m sorry, please take comfort in knowing I will suffer with it for the rest of my life.” 

“I couldn’t kill you even if I tried!” Hvitserk said, releasing his anger from me and softening his expression. 

“If you are done hating me, we have something to discuss!” I said, sitting down in the chair. 

Hvitserk calmly sat on the couch and crossed his legs. My brother has sworn to me that he will not kill me, and yet I’m very hesitant to sit with him. I’m afraid he will attack me at any given moment. I’ve never feared any man or woman or beast before, but Hvitserk’s unpredictability is something I fear. Although, the loss of my life is not my concern, but my Sigrun walking this Earth by herself. A Viking’s quest has always been dining with Odin in Valhalla, but how can sup with the Allfather knowing my beloved is suffering? 

“Are you going to sit?” Hvitserk asked. I gulped, taking the chair and sitting across from him. 

“You wish to speak to me?”

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