Chapter Four: Season Two

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It was a long night, and I was happy to retire to my bed. The next morning when I woke up, the sun shined brightly into my eyes. It was a beautiful morning in Kattegat. The first beautiful morning in what seemed a long time. The Gods seemed to appreciate our sacrifice and they have blessed us. It was slightly chilly out, but the air felt refreshing and nice. 

I got up early to start preparing for my chores. Within a day's time we will leave for England. I was excited, I would see a new world, and I will participate in my first battle. I went outside to feed the livestock, and on my left, on the little stole sat a freshly caught fish. It still tried to gasp for air and water stained the stole around it. A freshly caught fish means someone wants to have supper. It is an invitation. From whom? 

I looked around to find a hint from someone. I then saw a familiar face with his eyes staring right at me intensely. He tried not to smile indicating my suspicion. I know only one man who is a good fishmen. He glided towards me and glared down. 

“Ubbe?” I giggled. 

“Good morning.” 

“Good Morning,” I said. 

“Are you impressed?” He asked. My cheeks began to burn with blush. “With your fishing skills?” I said. I kept my eyes down. I felt his intensity vibrate off him. 

“I always knew you were a good fisherman.” 

I finally found the courage to look up at him. My breath escaped from me. He came close to me and said, “Will you have dinner with me and my brothers tonight?”

It would be an honor to be sitting at the table with the Sons of Ragnar. 

“I would be delighted.” He smiled, his breathing became shallow, and difficult. He laid his forehead on mine.

“Ubbe what are you doing?” I asked, breathlessly. 

Ubbe sighed gently, as he pressed his hand on my head. “Remember how you used to look at me?” He asked. “Remember how you loved me?” 

“I never forgot…” I said. “I still love you.” Ubbe looked up slightly and then placed his head on top of mine. 

“I’ve always loved you,” Ubbe said. I gently closed my eyes and leaned into his chest. He pulled me away, his eyes looked gently into mine. My eyes looked for an answer to his actions. 

“Ubbe, what are you trying to tell me?” He titled his head and leaned in and placed a small, tingly kiss on my lips. I leaned in for more as our lips danced together. I dropped the fish and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He pulled away, out of breath, lusting for more and said, “Will you marry me?”


My feelings were valid to me. I’ve always loved and cared for Ubbe. Despite his coldness. He has come a long way from that bitter child. I felt different. I felt light as if every burden and worry had been lifted off me. My heart fluttered and my brain became dizzy in a frenzy of delight. My mother, delighted that her daughter is going to marry and marry well, but she is concerned about whom I’m marrying.

“Ubbe is a fine man…” She said, curling my hair in her fingers. The spirals fell down to my shoulders.

“Although…” she commented, “He is the Son of Ragnar and son of a witch…” 

“You will have a heavy burden on your shoulders.” My mother reached into her jewelry box and pulled out a necklace. It was Thor’s hammer on a simple leather string.

“But as long as Thor watches over you-” she wraps her arms around me, “You will always be safe.” She placed a small kiss on my forehead.

“Don’t worry for me, mama.” “You are foolish to do so.”

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