Chapter Ten: Season Three

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We rode together to the black gates of Kattegat. It was mostly a quiet one with the sounds of axes and shields clanking together. Ivar’s army was well armed and ready to fight to the death. The sun has disappeared entirely behind the white clouds. Bjorn and Lagertha rode up front. Bjorn looked up and stared, bitterly cold to Ivar. 

Ivar noticed me in the crowd and began to be rather hesitant. His eyes were fixated on me and only on me. His chest heaved with anger.

“You turned her against me, Bjorn!” Ivar screamed out.

“She is here on her own accord, Ivar!” Bjorn shouted back. “She is now on our side, she is now your enemy!” 

Ivar’s face began to tremble as his temper boiled. An arrow was fired from behind him, aiming at me. Luckily, it missed. 

Ivar furiously turned around and screamed, “Who did that?” “Do not fire anything at her!” 

I took my newly fashioned arrow and fired back; it was supposed to be for Ivar, but instead it hit my attacker. My shots going up are not as accurate as going straight forward. Ivar quickly turned as I placed my bow down, looking at Ivar. 

“Ivar!” I shouted, “Stop this madness!” “Do not make me watch all of your deaths!” 

I could tell by Bjorn’s shoulders heaving up and down, he was disguised. It is true, I did not want to see Ivar die, but I did not want to see anyone else die in this chaos. 

“Do you remember Ragnarok?” I shouted, “I told you that story as a child!” “This is Ragnorok!” 

I know Ivar was listening to me as his body began to relax and his eyes softened. Hvitserk looked over at me, realizing I have power over Ivar. 

“This will be the end of Kattegat, of you, Hvitserk, me, Bjorn, your entire family that loves you!” 

“They have never loved me!” Ivar’s voice broke, “Only you have loved me!” “Now you’re against me!” “If you will stand with them, then you’re my enemy!” His words pierce my heart like an arrow. I closed my eyes and felt a sharpe pain within my chest. I sucked in a breath of air and pushed the sting in my chest down and opened my eyes.

“He does not mean that,” Hvitserk mumbled to me. A single tear flew down my face. 

Bjorn raised his sword and the war for Kattegat- Ragnarok- began.

It was bloody and gruesome from the end. Yet, I have never felt more alive as I fought my way through to get inside of Kattegat. Bjorn and a few men used a large trunk to break down the door. It was difficult to do with Ivar pouring oil from the sky and setting everyone on fire. 

Hvitserk stood close by me as we watched our men burn alive. “We cannot get in through that way!” I exclaimed. Hvitserk examined our surroundings. 

“We need to climb the walls!” He said.

“Climb the walls?”

Hvitserk took up a large pole, ran towards the wall, and scaled it, making his way on top of a watch post. 

“Oh, come on, Hvitserk!” I knew I did not have the strength to do that. I needed to get inside Kattegat desperately. 

From the corner of my eye, I saw a weakness in the wall that Hvitserk climbed. The wood that was being held together was bent and weak enough for me to cut through. I began to run towards the wall, cutting down a few men in my way. When I got to the wall, my eyes deceived me and it was held strongly together. I looked up and noticed a ladder and I began to quickly climb it.

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