Chapter Six: Season Five

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Chapter six: Season five

I have never feared another human like I feared Oleg. He is weak when it comes to seducing women, but I have noticed he is very good at manipulating with his power. He knew Hvitserk was never a strong leader, and he is also not a strong follower. Hvitserk was always searching for something and Oleg being the Prophet thinks he can give it to Hvitserk. It’s all too frightening to think if Hvitserk falls into Oleg’s clutch there may be no return and I will lose another son. I will lose my brother. I’ve lost Bjorn, may I have to endure losing Hvitserk? I fear I’m losing my family.

As I turned the corner of the street, twiddling with my hammer necklace, sounds of a conflict were coming to my ears. I peered behind a building and nearly lost my senses when I saw Ivar and Hvitserk fighting each other. I ran over to them and began to pull them apart, but they were much too strong for me as I fell to the floor. Hvitserk had Ivar on the ground with his hands around his neck; choking him.

“Stop! Stop! Stop, Hvitserk!” I grabbed him from behind and pulled him away. His elbow purposely went into my ribs as I fell to the ground hitting it hard this time. Hvitserk hovered over me, hatred and fire burned within him as he licked his lips of blood and balled his fists tightly. He was about to lift his leg, when Ivar weakly stood up with a knife to his chin. 

“I will do it!” Ivar growled, yet calmly. “I will do it for her!” 

Hvitserk slowly turned his head towards Ivar, glaring at him, he grinned. Hvitserk dared Ivar to end him. He knows I can tell Ivar to stop, I could end him with just one word, and he knows that. Although, he knows I would have to live with it until Ragnarok. I slowly got up, shaking, and fearful of what might just happen. 

“Please…” I fearfully said. “Please, the both of you, stop!” I cried. Tears fell from my eyes. 

Hvitserk looked over at me, angered, “Look at her, Ivar-” Hvitserk hissed, leaving an unsettling feeling within my gut. It is not magicastic as Ivar’s hiss. His hiss is truly menacing and it means evil. 

“Queen of the Valkyries-” he chuckled, “Begging!” Hvitserk mocked, twisting his head slightly. 

“How weak!” 

“She is not weak!” Ivar’s voice charged at Hvitserk. I then hit Hvitserk in the nose, causing him to bleed. Hvitserk viciously took Ivar’s knife from him and held it to me; ready to strike. 

“Go ahead!” I shouted. “I’m not afraid anymore!” I stood tall and fearlessly. Hvitserk’s hand began to shake as he saw not a hint of fear in my eyes. The sun peered from behind the clouds hitting directly on me.

“Father?” Hvitserk whimpered as I glared down at him. He then dropped the knife and ran away. 

I took a sigh of relief as I turned to Ivar and noticed his face was cut from his eye to his chin. My hand rested on the cut as Ivar turned his head to me. Tears formed in his eyes.

“My love?” I whimpered. 

“I’m alright…” He softly said, “Nothing that I can’t clean up myself,” he said, sadly walking past me. I turned slightly, having the feeling someone was watching me. Oleg and Katia stood on the balcony of the castle staring down at the skeptical crowd. Oleg smiled and marveled at the sibling rivalry, Katia was emotionless and only nodded to Oleg’s enjoyment. 

When Oleg turned away, Katia nodded to me sternly. Her action spoke clearly to me. I nodded back to her and went to a hidden shed; isolated from Kiev and her world. 


My heart pounded from my chest every moment I waited for Ivar to come through the door. Everytime I heard footsteps I thought it was Ivar. Yet, I know he has very distinctive footsteps. The door opened, allowing Ivar to come in. I was going to do everything Katia instructed me too. I do hope it will work. It would be my final attempt to sleep with Ivar. Yet, I’m not sure how dressing as Freydis would help Ivar. 

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